August 2023 by Ham Solo
Best boxes in the galaxy!
November 2022 by RAM m
After 30 years of doing business with K&G/Hood I have this to say. Your fired! Do yourself a favor and call Jax Box, they really took care of me.
September 2022 by Pedro Carson
Great place to work at and the supervisor's are cool to work for.
March 2022 by Denane Brown
This job is definitely a LIER I came in through a temp company but I asked in the Orientation what if we miss a day will we be fired due to us being a temp the plant manager at the site said No not long as you let someone know and your temp agency I missed a day I even called and left a message on his voicemail I also informed my temp company they still ended my assignment
February 2022 by Jerrie Mckinney
These boxes are not any good they have to much glue inside and they fold
December 2021 by Chrome Carson
Great place to work at and the supervisor's are cool to work for.
November 2021 by Terry Rabon
Office Staff is not friendly & if you come through a temp service they will try to confused also finesse you with different schedules. They also don't really trained you at all nor do they hold real orientations. What I means by that is they just have you sitting there all day not really going over anything just alot of company rules & policies. Plus they say one thing & do another ?.
October 2021 by Samuel Hawks
No parking. Street only. 2 hours to unload when you get in the dock. So if you're third in line.......
August 2021 by Anthony Snipes
Seems like a pretty nice place to work I change tires on there forklifts an there trailers always seem to be in a good mood
June 2021 by Tishon Davis
Awesome Work Environment
December 2020 by Jen
They make awesome cardboard boxes.
August 2020 by clausell smith
This is a great place excellent staff excellent service ????
August 2020 by George Nixon
The people and the plant all leave a ton to be desired
November 2019 by George 111
The people and the plant all leave a ton to be desired
May 2019 by William Jones
Best box making company in the world