February 2024 by SUHEILY BRICEÑO
Today, January 23, 2024, I went to make a deposit and among the cash there was a bill that they claim is damaged. I attach the image of the bill so you can see its condition, and they did not want to receive it, and I wonder what a bank is for. If it is not to receive this type of bills, the service is very bad, there is no solution for the customer.Do you think the bill is unacceptable?
September 2023 by perry sasson
I use to bank here 20 years ago. In the Miami Beach branch, and Hugo was there who is amazing who definitely recommend. Came here to deposit a check and I was giving a run around. After they made my customer coming and bring a new check, they refused to handle what they promised to do. Stay away from Ms. Diaz she's extremely rude and unprofessional as a manager. Lana is amazing but miss Diaz has full control and doesn't let her do her job properly. Girl up front at the counter also has a bad attitude problem. Glad I didn't go back and transfer my accounts to this bank.
September 2023 by YOLANDA MARTINEZ
Hi the staff in this office in Hollywood are so rude and very unprofessional u walk in they tell u tale a seat not good afternoon will be with u soon . Worst bank I ever encounter ?
February 2021 by Mary Murray
This is the worst bank I have ever encountered. They charge for everything. Now we have a three dollar charge for receiving a paper statement. If you do not conduct a transaction within a three month period, there is a charge for that as well. Have you ever heard of a bank penalizing you for saving your money? I am closing my account today
October 2019 by Daniel Contreras
Worse bank ever.
June 2019 by Anthony Rolon
The best bank to work with period. Everyone knows you by name, so you don't feel like just a number. Ana, Sarah, Bonnie, and Lana are Amazing. They called me for my birthday and sang to me... What bank does that? City National Bank.....The only regret I have is not banking with them sooner. I highly recommend them.
November 2017 by Mikel Inman
Very nice place
February 2017 by Marco Pereira
Nice spot easy and fast parking :)
December 2016 by Roxana Morfe
They closed before 4 pm
July 2016 by Gail Torres
Great bank super friendly.