“I go to the store every day,and I have seen a lot of changes,that are all good,the best are the new manger's they are alsome,one in a while line back up,but usly when manger's are going to bank, stock as really change no more empty shelf .I love this store now and all their staff.”
“My local go to store where u can buy what u need to get dinner on the table or gas for that mower or to get to work tomorrow .they also have produce n delie with some of the finest chicken on the planet but there are many things to choose from here vegetables and deserts alike”
“Management changed maybe 6 months ago. The woman running the store whipped it in shape. She rearranged that entire store one aisle at a time and did an amazing job. I love the employees there. I know they're sick of seeing me several times a day. All but one employee are incredibly kind. They're all very patient with my kids and love talking to them.”