December 2023 by Melissa “Missy” K
This is a Greyhound bus stop, no station, no Greyhound signs, at 5am in the dark you are not even sure you're in the right place. Put up some Greyhound signs assuring people of where they're going and that they are in the right place! Very poor planning, no Greyhound signs!
November 2023 by Lovely Dva
Bus came on time and even waited a little bit ... The area where the bus stop ... needs a little more signs ... the area is under construction and I really passed right by it .. Me looking for a building but it was a bus stop ...
November 2023 by Mike Eugene
If I could give 0 star I would. These people are stealing people's money. My dad, my sister and one other friend who don't speak any English at all miss their bus and they tried to get on another bus but they wouldn't even listen to him. Customer service told him to ask any drivers and the drivers told him to call customer service so which one is it? 220 dollars down the drain. Anyways I will not be booking again I would rather walk than take greyhound again.
November 2023 by Mykola Alieksieiev
There is not bus station, no bus stop. Awful place to be during the day time not saying night time. Do not depart from this place or better do not book Greyhound.Google need to add the rating -12.Crazy morning because of some people who does not care. Customer service not answering.$300 drained. ???
October 2023 by K Griz
Wow. If you have someone who can drive you here and wait with you until the bus arrives, do that. If not, I highly recommend switching to the West Palm station and taking the tri-rail there if you can. If you came here trying to figure out where the stop is, it's a normal bus stop with a couple benches in the park n ride parking lot. The directions will take you to a spot between the juvenile detention center and a homeless encampment. The bus stop is totally in the dark, so. Yeah.I've taken buses from all over the country, including the horrible Megabus pickup along canal St in Chicago, and this tops out as the worst bus stop. Super sketchy area, very dirty. Really disappointing.
September 2023 by Jeffrey Waites
This is a dangerous place for anyone to have to wait for a bus. There's no attendants, no restroom facilities, no security!! There's even a makeshift homeless camp nearby. I guess city officials won't change this until something bad happens. Shame on you Fort Lauderdale!!
August 2023 by AMichelecwb
No one should never ever take Greyhound bus! We are tourist from Brazil and haven’t seen even in the poorest place in our country something so horrible like this. It’s not free service, we payed for this. Delayed, cancellation, dirty everywhere, bus smells terrible, and we felt like trash. It would be a trip from 8am to 3pm, but we got at 12:05am 10hours delayed. Lost our free shuttle to the hotel, payed late checkin, among so many things. Tourists be alert!
August 2023 by Dee K
Rode from Lewiston,Me.To Bangor,Me.A 2 hr ride.First the driver was lost Ok he’s never driven this Rt it seems so one of the passengers asked Sir where R we?Ive rode this way bf &dont remember This town,The driver blew up.U Ppl from the North R so stupid &ignorant Shut ur mouth.The guy said I was going to c if I could help.The driver yelled At the poor man for a good 10 minutes.I spoke up&said I’ve been up for work since 3:00 this morning can we just go,He started yelling Who said that Ur getting off this bus.No one said anything &he threatened to kick everyone off.After a good 20 minutes he started again Cursing for another 10 minutes so everyone could hear while driving!.A man had his 14yr old.We got to Bangor A hr&1/2 late&he hops off the bus Waiting for everyone Then pointed at me&said U need to shut ur mouth.He started arguing with me!I just couldn’t believe it,Again he’s saying Ur a Stupid Northerner!He made like he was going to come for me so I dropped my book bag,My mom walked @the corner &said what is going on?I told her&she said We will call on him &write reviews ab this,He jumped right up close to my mom &she said u better step back BC ur not going to like it if my husband gets out.He just walked off mumbling.We were in shock.My mom is still in shock.I’ve never in my 40 years seen a bus driver act like that.I have seen a couple rude drivers but only with greyhound buses.Seems they R willing to hire anyone.Buying a new car tomorrow &??I will never have to use them again!!
August 2023 by Kenny A Rojas R
Provide a service at 04:00 am in this location it’s putting an danger a family father, a brother, a sister or a son. this it’s a dangerous place at anytime of the day you can provide a service. they even got a sign that said not overnight parking. Probably this corporation don’t even care to provide a quality services or even a decent one, worse experience i ever had in my life
August 2023 by Clément G
My bus was scheduled at 6:45am in Washington DC , i arrived at 6:20 am. At 7:10, the bus arrived and was almost full, i couldn't take it, then they said to take the next one at 8:30. At 8:45 i was still waiting my bus, and i received an email ( with my own internet, not the wifi) to tell me the bus was delayed to 9:45. Nobody came to explain the problem. I bought a train ticket instead. Unacceptable, a shame. Never buy a ticket from this company. I missed my plane because of them.
July 2023 by B S
No signage. Outside. The bench at the bustop is at the wrong address based on the Greyhound app. Trash cans next to me are overflowing. A little homeless tent set up is a few feet away. I don't even know for sure if this is the right corner, but there is nothing else. Greyhound is normally disgusting, but this is worse than I ever would have imagined. They should be ashamed of themselves.
July 2023 by Dulce González
Horrible service. I came from Jacksonville to Orlando and the air conditioner was not working. Then we transferred to another one from Orlando to Miami . Air conditioner was working at the beginning. Then it stopped working. A super long trip in summer season with no air conditioner. I paid almost 80 dollars for a super bad service.
July 2023 by Jennifer Vazquez
Easy to hear when and where to line up to board bus. My seat had dome crumbs I needed to brush off
July 2023 by Rina Perez
Is alright, something cheap you can buy for quick travels but the place its super dirty and the people is not definitely the best...
June 2023 by Inspirational Gospel Choir
This place does not exist. Greyhound and Fluxbus needs their heads cut iff. The actual station is bear I 95 and Vroward Blvd OUTSUDE, NO BIILDING, NO BATHROOM, NO NOTHING