Delray Hyundai Service Department
Auto Repair
655 NE 6th Ave, Delray Beach FL 33483
Most Recent Comments
August 2023
This place is the worst car service dealer ever. People don't answer the phone. They do not return calls. We've been trying to get someone to speak to over the last two days without any success. We are going to drive there this afternoon to take our car and never return to this hell hole.
May 2023
Honest - nice to find a dealer service writer who didn't try to get in needed service!
March 2023
Just tried to make an appointment to get an emergency repair as our gps system takes forever to load. Was told next available appointment was in May. Guess my next auto purchase will definitely NOT be with Delray Hyundai.
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From Delray Hyundai Service Department
Delray Hyundai is a family owned and operated dealership doing business in Delray Beach since 1994. A family member is at the dealership every day for your questions or concerns. Our philosophy is very simple: Treat every customer like family and provide the best service possible.
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