January 2024 by mike h
Thiis is a update to reply to the owner directly!!They are not accredited or connected with the va at all , and they discriminate against veterans based on a dd2-14 rather than disibility rating with the va which is considered a act of discrimination and not acceptable, the person I talked to was very rude with me as well . Also is important to note that I have a equivalent HONORABLE DISCHARGE, IS NOT CONCIDERED A GENERAL OR LESS AT ALL. And that all your major competitors except veterans with less than HONORABLE like a general discharge even though mine is HONORABLE period. And a HONORABLE veteran with a diagnosis of PTSD AND TBI PERIOD, AND I WAS TURNED AWAY , IN A ACT OF DISCRIMINATION PERIOD . This is to update the owner with the FACTS. COPY THAT!!!!
November 2023 by Abby Bryant
Awesome! Was matched with a dog in October and are anxiously awaiting training. The staff is incredible and knowledgeable. Rated on the top of training facilities, they are a godsend for veterans with disabilities. We are pleased and excited to have found this non profit.
October 2023 by Beth Bilodeau
Been a volunteer with the organization for almost 9 years. Witnessing the changes in veteran's lives and the lives of their service dogs is the most amazing thing I've ever encountered. Blessed to be a part of it.
October 2023 by Loren Marie Marino
It's sad when an organization that is supposed to be helping veterans fight Stigma, and trauma becomes the party that is not only unprofessional, but acts in a way that is aggressive and narcissistic and discriminatory! Not every person is cookie cutter, and the ADA law is broad for a reason. On an individual case by case basis reasonable accommodation is determined.This organization accepted me into their program, I was let into their Facebook group and then when I started discussing a personal topic, about a dog not trained by them (was still waiting for them to get on the ball to further me past the application/acceptance status) a dog who is trained for a different avenue of skills and for disabilities they DO NOT cover, and how the law allows for a certain accommodation based on my specific disabilities, I was told they have specifically decided to not allow those accommodations and there was no discussion allowed and I was kicked out of the group.Again this is a dog for physical disabilities, not the PTSD symptoms that this organization trains dogs for. This is a 6 yr old award winning dog, and I have legal precedent showing how this accommodation with this dog for these specific physical limitations makes the behaviors legal under the ADA laws.Again, This dog was not in their program, as it was advanced trained beyond their capabilities for conditions they do not cover by another organization. I was relaying my personal experiences.The accommodation I was discussing IS allowed under the ADA, despite this program denying it to their program recipients via prescribed protocol (for any reason, even valid and legally allowed accommodations).I will state that I have extensive training background, and have won awards while still better able bodied, for my work with service dogs. I also have worked with the government in this field of disability rights.Its a shame that they are so closed minded and ignorant.For everyone's information : there are no federal guidelines for training dogs. There are not specific certifications approved. There are not even guidelines or licenses or certifications for trainers of service dogs.Anyone knowledgeable or ignorant can start an organization and train dogs. A misbehaving dog is covered by guidelines under the law. However, there are no specific guidelines for standards of training. A badly trained dog, if it does not commit specific misbehaving behaviors as prescribed under the law, can be and technically is a service dog if it can perform tasks that aide the disabled individual.It is not illegal to buy a card off the internet that says service dog.It is not a fake service dog if it can perform tasks that enhance and support life skills of the disabled individual, but has a internet bought card, isn't perfect in its sit or stays.It can even be trained by its owner under the law.I have never agreed with this aspect of the law. Its in place for political reasons. However it is the law and most organizations present their personal protocols as law. Which is also wrong.I will also state that I did not in any way state I would teach the new dog any of the same behaviors or treat it as I do my current service dog.It was assumed apparently that I would and that I would not follow the guidelines of this organization.Its quite insulting to me, after having served successfully in the military under strict guidelines, and having an IQ of genius level, to be dismissed based on assumptions that were never present or accurate.As if I could not for myself decide knowingly to chose this organization and its policies despite their differences to those with my current dog, and follow them willingly, because the program was for a completely different prescribed condition.FYI: In this case, when an organization is liable for stripping people of rights and is discriminatory against them for their disabilities, it is covered and punishable under the law.
October 2023 by Barry Buchmiller
I am so proud of this organization for all the caring and hard work they provide for all of our service veterans. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
September 2023 by Laurie Hope
My Lala was getting a massage and decided to put her face in the hole in the massage table. She's such a ham. K9P4P is fabulous serious training and it has changed my life. Not only do I go out more in public but I do it with less medication.
September 2023 by Phil Perry
Awesome service dog training school for military veterans.
August 2023 by Frank Cohen
Due to certain events that happened while serving, I spent much of my adult life struggling to function normally in society. Due to my PTSD as well as another complicating diagnosis, I found myself isolating much of the time. I lacked social confidence and was always concerned that I might have and "episode" in an inappropriate setting. I spent several years supporting K9P4P but never felt worthy of taking a slot away from another veteran. A friend of mine had recently graduated the program with his dog and I go to witness the miraculous changes in his life. So, after talking with the staff, I decided to give it a go. I know there have been some negative comments here with respect to K9P4P polices, but I am in full agreement with them. It's for the protection of the program, the vets and the dogs and when I served, I was taught that the needs of the organization are paramount.After getting through the application process and background check, I was officially enrolled and July 25, 2023, Gracie and I graduated from the program. I can affirm that my confidence has grown and I find myself going places (with Grace) that I would not have prior. I can say, without exaggeration, that K9P4P likely saved my life.
August 2023 by Helen Villafane
They are solely devoted to our service men. Can't say enough good things.
July 2023 by Melissa Whitworth
An amazing organization that seeks to save veterans and shelter dogs, using the veterans to train rescues as their own personal service dogs. Truly life-changing work led by Mary and Ron.
July 2023 by Sydney Williams
I was diagnosed with severe PTSD and several others. I even have a letter from my doctor from the VA stating that I need a service animal but the only thing is I have general under honorable condition and this place still won't help me. I have never felt discriminate in my life. I have to struggle even more cause these people won't help me. What a waste of an organization I will not recommend anyone here just a waste.
June 2023 by Dennis R
March 2023 by Luisa Soler
They trained my husbands dog! Life savers
February 2023 by Pamela Rae Llera
What a great foundation & the services they do for the veterans is just amazing.
December 2022 by Kathryn Bigelow
My daughter has PTSD and was unable to go out of the house without someone she trusted by her side. She found K9P4P and we checked it out. We were welcomed into the best family ever! I watched the training and as time passed I saw my daughter coming out of her shell. My daughter and her dog grew into a team. They go everywhere together, on their own. Thank you K9P4P for giving my daughter her independence and life back. Thank you for always being there to support Britnee and Diesel. You are a continues blessing to this day! Thank you