May 2022
Several years ago I joined Temple Beth El.My life has been positively impacted by this Synagogue that is led by a loving,caring,compassionate clergy and staff.I became an active member & have made many wonderful friends.My life has also been Spirituality enriched by this extraordinary temple.
January 2021
I am so blessed to be a part of this wonderful temple. Besides the services and Religious school which are both wonderful, during this time of economic disaster, they reached out to ME to see if they might be able to help as I am a single mom and small business owner. Can't wait for my son's Bar Mitzvah in 2022!!
March 2020
Temple Beth El is Judaism in action, where its beautiful Commandments, rituals and traditions are actualized to make the world a better place. The clergy and administration are dedicated to nourishing every aspect of your life, from religious observance to education to fostering new friendships.