I received a defective part and now I can't get a hold of anyone about it. They don't answer the phone
August 2023
This place never answers their phone or emails. How do you get in contact with them?
June 2023
I purchased a starter/generator with a one year warranty. It quit after six months of use. Now I cannot contact them. I have tried through phone and email but get no response from either.Their service sucks!!!!!!!
Established in the United States, Parts World USA is one of the leading distributors of auto parts for Tractors, Golf Carts & Pickup Trucks. and a wide range of agricultural machinery & commercial vehicles. HIGH QUALITY PARTS & LOW PRICES We have high-quality parts for a wide range of vehicle makes and models, offered at the lowest ever prices. We source auto parts of superior quality from manufacturers across the globe and bring them to your doorstep. All our products are newly manufactured, right from the factory, and will fit your vehicle directly. WARRANTY & RETURNS We are committed to supplying quality products to our customer but in case of a defective product, we offer a 1 year warranty on all our products.