September 2024 by Jennifer Stephenson
Awesome customer service! Pharmacy employees are always courteous and helps in a timely manner.
June 2024 by Rick Snow
Absolutely abysmal customer service extremely dismissive. I never get notified when my prescriptions are ready, told by staff they are “too busy to help me right now”. Left on hold for almost an hour hung up on, go into store and told they can’t help me submit a request to my insurance for early perscription due to lost medication. After all that I’m done and just went to the Walgreens in this town. I will never use this place again and recommend anyone steer clear.
March 2024 by Christina Shrieves
Wonderful store. Very efficient and customer service is top notch.
October 2023 by Chrissy Milligan
Picked up my grandson medication
September 2023 by Flor Pivaral
Very friendly
June 2023 by Ellen Bowden
I have always gone to a Rite Aid.. I have been using the one in Laurel DE for some time now. The staff and the Pharmacist are friendly and have got to know me. The Pharmacist Lily actually asks how I am and calls me by name. They are professional, friendly and caring. The store is very clean and well stocked always.
January 2023 by Chala Breen
Great staff!
November 2022 by evelyn Richard
I heard good things, and even though I've been with Walgreens for years I switched, and I'm not pleased to say the least. My family member needs medicine for influenza and I go in there to pick it up and they don't have it in stock. So, they send me to Delmar, Md Riteaid to get it, and when I get there Delmar Riteaid has no clue about who I am or about any prescription I need and they call Laurel and they tell delmar riteaid they don't know who I am or anything about it!!!! Can you believe that they sent me to delmar and then said they didn't know who I was! Anyway after them scrambling on the computer I'm now sitting here in the parking lot waiting. Two thumbs way down I'm really disappointed in the Laurel Riteaid
November 2022 by Donna Reed
The entire pharmacy staff is so efficent,courteous and helpful, even when they are under enormous pressure! And they even take the time to check for RX discounts. I am so glad they will finally have a meer 30 minutes to catch their breath and have some lunch.I think us grateful customers should start a "Treat your pharmacy staff to lunch day". I will start! Several places in Laurel will deliver. Buy a gift card and make their day.Thank you, Donna Reed
September 2022 by Sandra Perry
Always friendly to me. Use the Pharmacy and very pleased with their service. Always have interesting seasonal things to look at. I try hard not to buy them, seldom works!
September 2022 by Jill Lord
First time using this pharmacy for prescriptions and will definitely be using it exclusively. Was a Walgreens customer for years. Not any more!
July 2022 by Marcella Nichols
One of the best experiences at Rite Aid in Laurel. Staff and associates extremely friendly and caring.
July 2022 by Cory Herlihy
Best local community pharmacy/store you could ever ask for! Overall its a good pharmacy.
April 2021 by Joe C.
I got my vaccine here. The pharmacy staff was very kind and the process was very efficient.
December 2019 by Arielle Ruhland
Was hoping to create a very nice canvas photo for my family member. They stated the photo kiosk wasn't fully up and they do not do canvas photos. Very nice customer service, but they told me to go to Walgreens which have a higher price for their canvas photos. I feel like heading back up to New York just to get a canvas photo done within 30 minutes!