October 2021 by Manohar Mahajan
I will always advise that when you want to trade, you should seek the assistance of a well-Experienced and legit trading company. I've been trading with Angela and it would be
July 2021 by Elizabeth Cathy
Tired of reading ads, comments, & confused on whom to trust on forex/binary option trade? Had the same experience, but it's all in the past now. contact Us for weekly sure cash out without losing your funds.
December 2019 by John Jeglum
That it continues with its marvelous research into the world of oil and gas and coal development.
January 2019 by Magda Brijssinck
De wil en de overtuiging en het realisme om een eind te maken aan fossil fuels
September 2018 by Floyd Gunter
Just be honest, Warren Buffett now owns Alberta's Fort Mc Murray, Keystone pipeline flows via Nebraska.
August 2018 by Tristen Schmidt
How long before human extinction? It's up to you, it's up to us. No one is coming to save us.
January 2018 by John Ross
Oregon has one of the better living environments in the country. No commercial enterprise is worth the lost of that environment. The weather patterns we are having now come because we have changed our environment. The warnings keep on coming. Time to stop it.
November 2015 by aaron smith
They need help.
January 2015 by Clarence Johnson
No one answered the door!! #blown #upset