November 2018 by Samuel Raj
Great place for kids to have an early start on reading and math. My son started when he was in kindergarten. This is his 6th year here.The program works well only if the parents put some time with kids at home and ensure the homework is done every single day. Kids can slow down or repeat any difficult area.The center is very flexible and work with the kids and parents on work load and scheduling. The owner of this center Mrs. Kapur is very good with kids and she personally coaches a lot for higher grade kids. Their one on one annual review with parents about the kid's performance are done by Mrs. Kapur is very thorough and accurate. It is interesting to see the future milestone graphs in the annual review report.Personally I would continue with the programs till the end.
November 2018 by deanpalladino
Kumon has been a blessing for my family and children. We enrolled our daughters about 6 years ago and they are still enrolled to this day.Manju Kapor, the owner and main instructor has been amazing. Kumon is demanding, not only on the children but the parents as well. The program runs at the pace of the specific child, which is a blessing in itself. My daughters are on different level and different rates. Kumon and Manju understand that all children learn at slightly different rates. The repetitive aspect of Kumon is the key. One of my daughters is diagnosed ADHD, has an IEP at the middle school and extra resources available to her as needed. Even with this additional help at school (the teachers and aidesat the school are really wonderful) she can easily fail as they follow strict curriculum and move at a much faster pace than my daughter can process. Kumon and Manju are the reinforcement that she needs.Yes, there are times we want to give up because Kumon is so demanding, but we also understand how important math and reading comprehension is for their future academic career and long term career. this may be the best SAT prep available to all children. I would highly recommend Kumon. The school systems in this country can and should learn a few things from the Kumon approach.Manju is brilliant, caring, understanding and has been available for my kids even on the weekends when they get stuck and we cannot help.We know that Kumon is an incredible asset for them and their future.We thank Manju and her group very much.
November 2018 by Marnee Palladino
The Kumon Math & Reading Center of Southbury and the Center Director, Manju Kapur are a GIFT! We are incredibly fortunate to have found Kumon and Manju when we did. My only regret is that we didn't find it sooner! We are thrilled that our Freshman daughter will have completed all the levels of Algebra before she starts her sophomore year.
November 2014 by Michael B
I could have gotten the same thing for free online. All this place does is give out worksheets and more homework. My kids hated it. There are no real educators working with the children as it is all drill and kill practice.