July 2023 by Samuel LaVigne
Great family trip
December 2022 by Candice D.
This calls for a review I have to tell you about the amazing Simsbury Historical Society. I was blown away by our interactive tour of seven of the places on the campus right in the center of town (Thanks, Karen!), and that was just the beginning. I wish I had known just how much the Simsbury Historical Society does. But I do now! They have programs and events for all ages. Some things are historically connected, and some are just fun for the sake of being fun. Now that I know, I am so in for what is coming up.Like this weekend - they have thought of everything with the concerts they are planning. There are two times (5:30 and 7:00), so it can work with anyone's schedule. They are having a reception in between, and people can tour the museum. And that's all for $8-$10!!! The acapella group, Holiday Cabaret, from the high school is performing, and they are donating their earnings to Loaves & Fishes (I love our town! So generous!). I included a photo of the flyer.We also visited the Museum Store, and I finally discovered where everyone is getting the SimsBEARy tshirts and stuff. There's also a really cool book written by a Simsbury woman, Kara LaBella, who spent a year researching the two "witches" in Simsbury. (We had witches in Simsbury?! Umm...I have to read this book!) The historical society is also all set up and having a Holiday Market with local vendors. That is why the picture of the Visitor Center is filled with tables of amazing things. This is the last weekend for it. They are even staying open on Sunday to give people an extra day to shop. And by "they," I mean volunteers. Seriously - people love this place and show it in so many ways like volunteering! (Guess who is going to start doing that when her shoulder gets better?!) And did you see the picture of the sleigh so beautiful with the snow? They have sleighs all over town, and my family and I can't choose our favorite. I made sure to get myself on the inside track so I know what is coming up after the holiday season, and I found out they have things scheduled all the way through June. The next biggie is an Improv Workshop series for youth in grades 4-8. What?! How cool is that?! I included the flyer for that too. Karen is the person for stuff like that, and her email is programs@simsburyhistory…. Go to their FaceBook page (Simsbury Historical Society) to see stuff they have done like Scarecrow Day, plays, and youth programs. You can also see sooo many photos. I wish my own pictures of the wigwam and barn came out. Both looked so awesome in person with the snow on them! Their website is simsburyhistory.org and is where you can see what is next on the calendar and to register for tickets. You need to preregister for many of their programs and events, so make sure you get on there for the Holiday Cabaret and Improv Workshop series. I want to thank the Simsbury Historical Society. When we moved here, we would pass by your buildings right in the center of town all of the time, but we never really thought to stop in. I AM SO GLAD WE DID! We are not done coming back! Over and over. Between what you are offering for kids, teens, adults, and families and the people you have doing the programs and events - you totally get 5 stars from me !!
October 2022 by Dweet Byrd
Cool little historical visit. All the buildings were closed during my visit but it's worth a 10 min stop if you are driving by.
December 2021 by Dan R.
"Don't know much about history"(Sam Cooke)Simsbury is an old town, I mean a really old town. It goes back to 1670. And it's very fitting that such an old town has a historical society to display and preserve its three and a half centuries of history.The Simsbury Historical Society is "a non-profit educational corporation" that was founded in 1911. The complex includes over a dozen structures, and the museum has regional artifacts, archives and collections on the state's earliest settlements.As expected, they do focus on the town's founding and early history.It's a very interesting place to visit and walk the grounds, check out the Native American structures and visit the museum store.That store was hosting a Holiday Market today.
November 2021 by Bob Marchetti
It wasn't open when we visited and we still give it 3 stars. We especially loved the authentic wigwam. Its nice to see a town in Ct. that honors native American Indians. Will definitely return when its open!
November 2021 by Diana Mennenga
Beautiful displays of historical sites! A go to during Halloween season
November 2020 by Louisa Jones
Great community resource with wonderful events.
September 2019 by Howard Berg
A must visit.
September 2019 by Michelle Ziegler
Such a great place to host events! We hosted a CT Blogger Wine event here and had a fantastic time in a beautiful atmosphere! The staff were enormously helpful and so so kind. A great place to host an event! We could not appreciate it more!!
September 2019 by mohoc x
Great place for a touch of history and photo ops
September 2019 by Lisa Lanza
September 2017 by Joao Bras-Jorge
Not very well known but worth a visit!
September 2017 by Tim Boysen
A must see attraction in Simsbury.