July 2024 by Steven Smith
I've worked with Datto for over 10 years. Loved their products for a long time with the exception of their networking line. About 16 months ago they made an error on our account and duplicated one of our services, they acknowledged this was their fault but have not been able to get this off our invoice. When they were bought by Kaseya they wanted to lock us into contracts, that's fine but they didn't replace our existing licenses they just added additional licenses. Any attempt to correct the issues goes no where. Our invoice is wrong every month, they owe us a huge credit and have done nothing. Billing issues are all over reddit. If you are a current client, I'd recommend combing through your invoices, though in the end, they won't give you your money back and they will just continue to cheat to increase your invoice.
July 2024 by Jessica Contreras
Datto was an extremely racist company to work for.
September 2023 by Manny Mamakas
I <3 datto.
May 2023 by Shelly Brewer
Easy to find and free to park
December 2022 by Geek Joe Classic - Ike OrangeBox
Best backup platform for Windows hands down.
August 2022 by Olga Clark
Datto Support is unprofessional, unresponsive and just lacks any customer service. We paid for integration and there wasn't even a demo to show us their system in full. They made it to pay for it, but once we started the platform set up, we felt very uncomfortable as it's just simply can't automate things, despite, being promised a call back that day.We faced a lot of complicated things through the platform. Such as the server features are extremely limited and cumbersome to use, not well explained or advertised. It's not an easy to understand platform as it seems that was built to be confusing.After 3 weeks of torching Zoom meetings, we have realized that Datto does not have the right solutions for us.I sent a cancellation notice via e-mail to our account manager. I've been waiting for 2 weeks to resolve such issue. Long response, not clear suggestions or solutions.My team decided to move on and use another platform because we could not wait anymore regarding to our own company's goal and deadlines.Simply, explaining to Datto that we are not right customer for them, we expected let us go and give us a full refund for set up cost of the platform which we never used.Instead of that Datto literally forced us to continue cooperate with them and now they get us to pay for the next 2 years for the contract which we never even signed.Datto is an ineffective and expensive service that did not deliver against its promises. The primary issue with the company is their service upon being deployed. If you're going to pay for a product and then have a high chance of it not working as promised, then why bother? We feel completely ripped off as they did not deliver what they promised/sold.They keep selling us their services even though I gave my cancellation notice.We are EXTREMELY disappointed at their service levels, lack of pro-activeness, misinformation and unprofessionalism wrapped up in one single entity. Hardly ever receive a reply to our tickets and when they do, its days or weeks later.In fact, the issues we have raised have not been fixed and not once has anyone so happened to come back in touch with us regarding these issues (all emails justify this fact).In the beginning, we were told that we would not be given a demo of the system when we signed up, however, on the other hand, we were told and promised to get right solutions for us that Datto has all what we need and which we never were given.I'm still wondering, how Datto can know all customer’s needs from the start?! Obviously, you can figure it out only in the process and truly understand if this platform suitable for customer’s business or not. But they subscribe us within 24 months payment and didn’t give us what we need from the start.About $2,500 is gone for platform which we never used, and we are demanding an immediate cancellation and full refund.
July 2022 by volga river
They don’t update soft for Macs anymore. Lots of bugs, runs your battery down. Waste of money for Apple customers
July 2022 by Tony Maulwurf
Datto's Backupify product doesn't work as advertised, has multiple non-functioning portal pages, and terrible support
December 2021 by Stanislav Kondakov
Irresponsible company. They don't care about support once you bought their product
October 2021 by Guardian D.
Run like heck from this company. I have been having problems with their Datto Workplace server for MONTHS and they apparently just plain do not care. Having to save my work on my hard drive and then move it to their Workplace server, sometimes only to have the file corrupted and destroyed, defeats the purpose of using their Workplace server and seriously hinders my ability to work efficiently, stay organized, and share files on a common server. Datto is evil. It must be destroyed.
September 2021 by Burt Crapo
They like to lock you into a revolving contract with tiny print. They don’t care about anything but getting all the money they can
September 2021 by Cuneyt Baris
10/10. Would visit again.
August 2021 by Jon Daley
Customer support is so bad that when the backups fail regularly, their only advice is to monitor the hourly backups manually -since their software doesn't automatically email when a failure occurs!?
April 2021 by Embarissed
10/10. Would visit again.
March 2021 by Anthony Gibson
Don’t recommend not a good service not good