Highly recommended for Chronic and accute Lyme sufferers. This is the best LLD i can attest too. My family has been cured and well on our way to living healthy normal lives again. Thank- you!!
Wave Integrative Medical Center providers treat the "root cause" of chronic inflammatory disease such as chronic pain, insulin resistance, poor digestion, neurodegenerative conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome using Functional Medicine. Our treatments include prescription meds (*except for pain management), cold laser therapy, herbal treatments, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, far infared sauna, personalized genomic detoxification support, nutritional consultations, and Reiki/ guided meditations. We have a saying in Functional Medicine: "If you are standing on a tack, it's going to take a lot of pain meds to feel better. We'll help you find and remove the tack." WIMC also has specialty programs for Lyme Disease & PANS/PANDAS.