June 2024 by Theodore Regan (Theo)
To be brutally honest and objective, this particular store has all the feel and cleanliness of your average stores in any random 3rd world country, only difference is that when I went to a similar place in Tijuana, they made the attempt to be accommodating and spoke better English than what I've witnessed, fortunately I have a working knowledge of Spanish because of my mother's family being from Mexico, but it was surreal, needing assistance at self checkout and the vast majority of associates milling around seemed more concerned with playing, texting, all had a cell phone keeping their primary attention, and when I did get assistance they either had no clue or seemed annoyed with me, unfortunately I couldn't care any less about what they thought, assumed or what they're opinions about me were, that and having to negotiate the gauntlet of crackheads asking for money, one actually tried to get aggressive towards me, until I called his bluff I just don't think I have neither the patience or devil-may-care attitude needed to want to shop where shelves are bare, play is on par a racetrack stables
My only question is why and how could a company like Walmart allow such an abomination to continue, if it were a cat or dog it would have been mercifully put down months ago, either someone is really gung-ho and thinks they can hehabilitate this mutt or it's fallen through the cracks or the regional manager promised his wife to get her remedial brother a managerial position and he's doing the job a 75 IQ guy would, it would explain the hiring practices and the empty shelves, debris on the floor and everything being a metaphor for the national slide into 3th world membership I hope they will be able to turn it around, and if you believe that, they have a place for you with a dirty vest, no dress or grooming restrictions needed, just a cellphone and a undeserved sense of entitlement and you too can be Walmart fabulous!
June 2024 by Arun G Pillai
Always overcrowded
June 2024 by Boom Katz
wait time for pickup was over 2 hours for only 3 items
June 2024 by Amanda
Nothing really in stock that website says it has. Camera gave me a problem and never got emailed receipt. Friendly staff though
June 2024 by Charm
If you are black please do not do business at this store.
Again I repeat If you are black or identify as please do not do business at this store.
This store discriminates against people of color! There are "managers" that are highly aggressive against black women and it overall is not a safe place for people of color. The store manager will apologize but will ultimately side with their employees wrong or right. This store has no honor or merit. Please do yourself a favor and go elsewhere if you are a delivery driver or even shopping for yourself.
Please go to this store at your own risk. If you are a victim of the manager JASMINA please speak up and call corporate. Do not let these people discriminate against you, bully you or treat you poorly.
May 2024 by Martino Bernal
The people who work there are very friendly.
May 2024 by Big Bad Wolf
Bought a sleeping bag
May 2024 by Jose Lopez
U can find anything
May 2024 by Wong Wai Kheong
Wide array of products
May 2024 by gary harness
May 2024 by Mathieu A
Great prices! Spent half of what I usually spend at Stop & Shop and other major supermarket chains.
May 2024 by Joy Sajimon
This place has everything you need. I did find plates and mugs cracked when I wanted to get one.
May 2024 by Magdalena Vazquez
Terrible service & they even close 15 minutes before the time thats not supposed to happened
May 2024 by Desiree Martinez
Walmart is always a place to get whatever you may need at a great price.
May 2024 by Kitanda Anderson
Very clean