Constantly having issues with my bank card. Try to contact the bank and are just on hold forever. Cant even speak to a human , go through all the prompts to speak with someone and still can't. Not very business friendly anymore. Defiantly has gone down hill fast.
January 2022
when it was Simsbury bank it was wonderful and the people that work at the branche in Granby are still good but as a bank it has become garbage since liberty bought them out started with the Granby branch days after it opened over 20 years ago I am now switching to Berkshire bank
June 2021
Simsbury bank was great, once liberty took over it is no longer business friendly. You cannot call directly to this branch to talk to someone local, need to call liberty customer service and wait on hold for a minimum 30 minutes. If you are a small business owner you know that is just not possible