November 2018 by Ed Pins
Official #EdPins Submission for Thornton Elementary School#InnovationPinWe have a new campus! There are many new innovations here! Our school just opened up in August 2017, so we aren't on the map yet. Here are a few cool things to be found at Thornton Elementary School: After two years of planning and construction, we're in our new building! It's a state-of-the-art campus with over 86,000 square feet of instructional areas to best meet the needs of our students. We've included some pretty cutting edge items including geothermal climate controls, an EcoGarden with wind turbines and a solar panel, lots of common space for teaching, two science labs, and LED lighting throughout the building.2825 Cottonwood Ln31.0964075,-97.3933468Submitted by Karen Jackson on 03/01/2018 14:37:10
November 2017 by Cressi Lainez
Staff not so helpful really rode and they are lazy. Theres no security around campus really opened anyone can go around and no one will know. Its not safty environment. Always on lockout.
November 2016 by Kristal Lofton
After having my young boys in this school for a little over 2 years, I decided enough was enough.. Meetings after meetings I had with administration at this school to try to discuss issues and the shear demeanor and condescending attitudes would make any child feel not only unwelcomed but not liked. These years are crucial for a child's education and outlook on the future. The principal would not work with my son knowing he was suffering from severe anxiety attacks, he was not allowed to color at recess even though this helped with his anxiety.. it was as though she wanted to prove a point that she was the head honcho, not giving a damn about my son's feelings. A time after time the lack of respect that was shown to my boys but demanding respect from them... I seen my once bubbly happy go lucky boys crying and and very timid to go to school. We leave our children in the hands of people we are supposed to trust. I hope all my nagging and never giving in changed something for the better at that school, I would hate for another child to be treated as Mine were. I guess just in general very very arrogant administration. *** HOWEVER HATS OFF TO THE PATIENT MRS. WHITE <3RD GRADE> AWESOME AWESOME PERSON!
November 2015 by Soliana Taye
I hate this school so much the teachers are so mean to the student so is the principal the are very rude also a kid Vick was stolen from that school so he has to move from that school I am just bagging you please do NOT take your school to thornton elementary just please it's very bad very bad.