September 2024 by Ramona Gonzales
After working with the Pueblo King Soopers I wanted to write in and say what a wonderful experience I had with the staff here. My meds were on auto fill and never failed. I got my meds timely and NEVER ran out. The staff was a joy to work with. I miss this pharmacy.
August 2024 by Tammy Radke
Friendly, Helpful, Kind.
July 2024 by SB
The pharmacy technician I spoke to was so rude and brief. She hung up the phone before I could ask a final question. I was a pharmacy technician for over 5 years, and I would never speak to a patient with such brevity and disregard. Shame on King Soopers Pharmacy for failing to train their technicians with proper customer service skills.
March 2024 by John Lindsay
Tell me smart know their job courteous
October 2023 by Rachel Hergert
Nearly every time I go to this pharmacy, my prescription isn’t ready when they say it will be. I have a chronic illness and need my meds to keep my heart rate normal. There have been times where it hasn’t been ready for 1-3 days beyond when they say it will be ready. It’s just a bummer for people who really depend on their medication.
September 2023 by Allison R.
I have been shopping at this King Soopers since moving to Colorado in the early 80s. I used to enjoy shopping there, but over the past few years it has really gone downhill. It's getting harder and harder to find what I want there. I was there yesterday and they are putting up locked glass panels over the cosmetics area. This store is really turning into a slum! The pharmacy hit a new low when I called today. In the past, pharmacy workers there told me to call in a prescription several days ahead of time if the prescription has run out so they will have plenty of time to contact my doctor about a refill. I did this and called the pharmacy a couple days later to find out when I could pick it up. I got a recording saying it would be ready after 2 PM on a date two days out. When I called on the morning of the day it was supposed to be ready I got a recording saying the pharmacy needed to contact my physician. I requested to be transferred to a pharmacist. I waited for about five minutes, listening to horrible music, when someone came on the line and said, "I'm putting you on hold," very quickly and rudely. Again I had to listen to the horrible music until a woman finally came on the line. I told her that I had gotten a recording a couple days earlier saying my prescription would be ready today, and today I just got a recording saying they hadn't contacted my physician yet, and I told her they needed to get their story straight. She told me my prescription would be ready tomorrow. When I asked her what time she said she had, "No idea." This used to be a nice store with mostly helpful, friendly employees, including the pharmacy. Now it's just a run-down place with rude employees and exorbitantly high prices! I'm going to start driving a few extra miles to go to the King Soopers in Golden or Green Mountain, or maybe just go to Safeway!
July 2023 by Lucas M.
Not one to review grocery stores but this KIng Soopers location is absolutely rock bottom. They didn't have three of the five items I was after. These items were: 1.english muffins 2. half and half and 3. cherries (in season). In general the shelves looked like they had been ransacked with no indication they were being restocked. Only the self check out lanes were open and it was a pain in the ass to use my own bag (whereas most places have figured that out) I wanted to buy a lotto ticket and the person at the customer service desk was quite unpleasant and refused to sell me a ticket. The surrounding plaza is sad and run down.Not a nice place: avoid.
March 2023 by John Russell
Friendly People
December 2022 by Marc Grabowski
Closed an hour early, and locked my prescription so I couldn’t fill it elsewhere.
May 2022 by Diane W.
There's actually not a worse KS location, at least not that I've encountered on the front range.
December 2021 by Eric S.
This is a King Soopers where I've been going to since I was a kid, since I was too young to remember. I still visit from time to time, it's still the closest King Soopers to my mom. But I never visit the fresh herbs, and rarely anything in the veggie case except peppers or carrots. Mom sent me there to pick up herbs, and stuff I'd never heard of for short ribs. The place was packed (Christmas next week), grocers were feverishly working to restock. I got frustrated and asked Joe, one of the grocers. Even he wasn't sure, he grabbed Vince. The two of them took time from feverishly restocking to walk me around and show me where everything is. It reminded that that from the time I was a kid until now, the staff are just the greatest people. They may have shortcomings elsewhere in the store, but certainly never the staff!
December 2021 by Khris L
They do what they're here for with little enthusiasm
December 2021 by Mike W.
The app is completely wrong when it tells you what isle items are in. Every other king Soopers I've been to at least list the correct isles. When the cashier asked "did you find everything ok?" I explained the error on the app and was told "we do things differently here. You have to shop here a few times to know where things are at." Seriously? This isn't a little country store in a one stop light town. No thanks. I'll go to the next store who cares enough about their customers to not waste there time with incorrect information.
September 2021 by JoJo McFee (Ogg)
Angie at the pharmacy was awesome! I had misplaced some documents and I was fearful I wouldn't be able to complete my tasks for the day. She helped me out and calmed me down! What a great experience!
July 2021 by JoJo Ogg
Angie at the pharmacy was awesome! I had misplaced some documents and I was fearful I wouldn't be able to complete my tasks for the day. She helped me out and calmed me down! What a great experience!