January 1970 by Revwalkingturtle ..
Someone might want to see how these Cactus Monkeys treat their critters before helping them in any way. There's a thirty-second viddy @ says more than I can. More @ if one wishes. All are best viewed BEFORE a meal rather than after. My gorge simply rose. Hard and FAST. So I need a new keyboard now - the old one still reeks of vomitus after cleaning-off, post-viewing. Irrepairable. Can't make this stuff up. Fact: NON-faultily intelligent HUMANS will want to know. Sadistic psychopathic types might giggle a little - if any such involuntary amusement is observed in another, AVOID. If YOU start gigglin', Dear Reader, GET PROFESSIONAL HELP N-O-W. Normal and new-informed now? Let the material in the viddies guide your conscience - presuming one actually has one of those somewhere at hand. Because, clearly, some others do not. Many are handling YOUR DAIRY FOODS - and do NOT care about the cruelty and harm quite evidently done on Cactus Acres and many other too-similar dairy production facilities every day. See for yourself. And that is all. 0{>:-|o[