Terrible. A waste of money. 2 corn kernels in each pupusa. Package says delicious Latin flavor, tasted like black beans and dough! Don't think there was any seasoning, not even salt. What an embarrassment to make, market and sell. This is the second negative post I've ever left in my life.
May 2024
When these popusas first came out they were delicious and a nice size. Now they are charging more for 1/4 of the original product. What a shame. We really used to enjoy the products they produce, now it's just a rip off. I highly recommend you go to Costco and buy the popusas they sell instead.
May 2024
The most recent ones Ive bought are so dissatisfying compared to when i first got them and there’s no complaint or help line. My box only had one pack of two pupusas instead of four.