October 2023 by Angelica Rojas
A healthy environment and very friendly and nice entertainment
November 2022 by Tyler Fuller
Fun place with a few boutique shops, a barber, and bars.
November 2022 by Blaine Lyon
It’s not free ☹️
November 2021 by Atiyasha Kaur
Amazing local glam shopping options
November 2021 by Mallory Lauren
Clean and a nice atmosphere
November 2020 by Kyle Singer
So cool. Love the vibe the lights the alley shops. Reminds me of Diagon Ally. The irl pop up art gallery was so cool. Seeing local artist showcase their talent brought a nice variant pop of color to this alley shop dairy block.
November 2020 by Mario Ortiz
Amazed by this alley. Will have to make another trip to enjoy it all. I was really impressed with Run for the Roses, tried a couple of cocktails and all blew me away. Recommend.
November 2020 by Kat Mack
SO COOL. And great cocktail options
November 2019 by Irma Zandl
Very cool mini-mall situation. It’s part of a much larger Milk Market which is cool.
November 2019 by Sarah Gallagher
Free Market is so beautiful! I love each of these brands and that they are all in Denver! Most of the brands are from Los Angeles or New York. Denver desperately needed a good shopping scene and this is the best is the best. A visit to Free Market is a must!
November 2019 by Kaia Fox
Simple, open and light.Often times less is more.This place is like a small handful of carefully chosen words.A haiku instead of a novel.