May 2024 by Alexander
NOT 24 hours and quit hiring dope fiends
April 2024 by Jake Johnson
This has to be the only 7-11 that closes damn near all night. They're lazy and useless in there. Do yourself a favor and go to the one 2 blocks away on Pearl street.
March 2024 by Andrew Gillespie
This store definitely isn't open 24/7.
January 2024 by Sony Blank
They should let the employees take their 15 minute fentanyl breaks so they aren't getting insanely upset when someone asks if they have sugar when they're completely SLAMMED with a staggering 1 customer.It's ok. The milk was out on the latte machine, again, and I didn't wanna cause an aneurysm by asking the associate if they had more.
December 2023 by Rory Santistevan
Fast/Friendly Service.
September 2023 by Cody Phillips
These clerks are gonna catch a bullet soon enough. Think it's a joke. Two you white boys who think they're business owners in the neighborhood. I would know if you owned anything in this neighborhood also. Terrible business here, please shut down. PLEASE.
August 2023 by Geneva G.
Very rude owner and highest prices in the area. I won't be returning.
July 2023 by DorianJett1
Great regular late-nite stop, for those in the KapHill area Open 24.Clean, Quick,
June 2023 by Gemini Jake
7-Eleven couldnt care less about its customers. They claim to be open 24 hours, but they arent because they say they can close whenever to clean…Well then post store hours and quit confusing your customers! Nope, they wont. Why? Because they dont care about you at all. Just choose a different store without crackheads and rude employees that scream at customers cuz they hate their life…Im just trying to get some coffee. I hope 7 Eleven goes bankrupt.
February 2023 by Joseph Grandits (Amber)
Tried to get some quarters when I did cash back and the cashier refused. Literally no other way to get change around here and I only needed $1 in quarters.
February 2023 by D Davis
One of the most ghettoiest one I have experienced it says open 24 hours and yet this would be the second time in 24 hours it hasn't actually been open after hours.Well good thing it's one two blocks down.Get some real employees
January 2023 by Luke Hoepfinger
Guy who works nights is always super nice and cheerful. Makes the night better. Always super helpful
November 2022 by James Wampler
Denied my vertical id after accepting it for a year and told its been their policy they were new but the manger i assume who has also accepted my id in the past just agreed with him horrible already close their doors 12 hours out of the day so they can watch videos and hang out with friends
October 2022 by T E
I was in here around 7pm tonight and experienced some of the strangest customer service Ive seen in a while. I grabbed a soda and put it on the counter for check out. The african american emoyee with a black face mask asked me something to the effect of, " How is your Friday? or Having a Good Friday?". Im fairly mute in 7-11s and said "What?" Then a "yeah sure" to him. He was hard to understand because of the face mask but then continued to ask the question over and over again while increasing the volume of his voice (almost yelling) before sitting backwards into his chair or countertop.I couldnt tell if he was upset, playing a joke, or having a miniature psychotic episode. But someone needs to talk to him as it was really disturbing. I hope something is done to punish this employee as Im concerned if I experience this sort of service again it might escalate between him and I.
October 2022 by Alyssa Blavat
There was a crowd of people outside at 8:50pm and the door had a hand written note “bathroom break 15mins” it had been over 20mins heard from other people. BOTH EMPLOYEES were just sitting in their car right outside smoking a cig. There was a guy on a sitting chair waiting. They were swearing at customers and arguing that they deserve a break. NOT BOTH AT ONCE. You can’t just close the 24hr store when you feel like it. I’m furious. Figure this buckshot out.