“A FIELD OF MERITS in West Sacramento. 7/14/2024.
Yesterday I tagged along my sister and her neighbor to visit the City of Dharma Realm (CDR) for the first time. This huge, many acre place is maintained by a small, very small group of Bhuddhist nuns (Bhikkhunis.) I was very impressed with their mission and moved by their dedication.
I learned that CDR has a Saturday program. I did not get all the details but I believe that this is a great opportunity to help the children getting away from their games on their computer and having a real human communication with other children. In the meantime the parent can join in volunteering with the program or helping around the center.
I have much respect and admiration for the nuns who dedicate their life for the benefit of everybody else. Any little help from us lay people means so much for these brave nuns. Just a day or a morning or a couple of hours volunteering to help with the maintenance of the facilities is that little stream that can carve out a canyon.
Those of you who are in the Sacramento area, you have a special opportunity to do really good things for yourself, your families, and everybody else at this center. The Field is there. Saw your seeds of good deed, word, and thought.
So, contact the office. And please be patient if your call is not answered right away. CDR does not have a full time staff at the reception desk.
I live 200 miles away. I am just lending a voice to let everyone know about the nuns and their mission to provide an education program that focus on both the intellect and the goodness of character in a child and young adults.
“Thank God that He guide me to this church. It become my family. The word of God, encouragement, and love is touching my soul through everyone that comes in my way in that place. Love this warm place and people.”