February 2024 by fernando espinoza
Love this church and everyone of my family members. Because they are now my familia. We are firm believers of Christ, and are very grateful for this Church. The spirit of God moves here and changes our life's forever. AMEN...
November 2023 by Linda Martinez
Our church is not perfect but Jesus is! Come just as you are! Remember God loves you MORE and you WILL experience the LOVE of God here!
October 2023 by Betsy's Mom
My first visit into Victory Outreach was an encounter with the presence of God in a powerful movement! Christ's love is evident in and through the congregation whom welcomed and received me with open arms. I recommend this body of Strong Faith Believers to all who desire to be set free and desire to enter into a family of God.
August 2023 by Virginia Herrera
Its not a religion it's a relationship ❣️and I'm grateful for my salvation our pastor's are very loving and welcoming the hole church FAMILY is just a blessing ❣️ no one is forced to do NOTHING! ITS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD!!! WERE HERE TO REACH THE HURTING PPL OF THE WORLD! AND TO LET PPL KNOW THAT JESUS CAN CHANGE THERE LIVES ❣️I WAS THAT HURTING BROKEN DOWN DRUG ADDICTED MISRIBAL GIRL. ....I THANK GOD FOR VICTORY OUTREACH ???
March 2023 by V Rod
Its not a religion it's a relationship ❣️and I'm grateful for my salvation our pastor's are very loving and welcoming the hole church FAMILY is just a blessing ❣️ no one is forced to do NOTHING! ITS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD!!! WERE HERE TO REACH THE HURTING PPL OF THE WORLD! AND TO LET PPL KNOW THAT JESUS CAN CHANGE THERE LIVES ❣️I WAS THAT HURTING BROKEN DOWN DRUG ADDICTED MISRIBAL GIRL. ....I THANK GOD FOR VICTORY OUTREACH ???
March 2023 by Vince Ray
This is where I was introduced to Christ and my life has been forever changed. Thankful for what God has done here. He restored my marriage and family. Thankful for the men’s home!!
March 2023 by Alex Aguilar
Such a great church to be apart of, this place really emphasis love and hospitality!!!
June 2022 by Alex A.
Great place to worship and connect with the body of Christ !!!! Great music and the word of God is communicated with passion !!
March 2022 by Michelle Rodriguez
I thank God for this ministry, the Pastors, the recovery homes, and for the passion to seek the lost and hurting. This is the church that God placed us in and saved us. We are forever grateful.
March 2020 by chuy lopez
Why am I so afraid to
March 2020 by The Team Capstone Realty
Great church! Christ centered vision and family oriented.
March 2020 by Constance Lopez
Grateful to call Victory Outreach Ventura home... God is moving like never before!!
March 2020 by Chris Saved By Grace
Just want to thank God for this church, unlike certain churches they accept anyone homeless, drug addicted, gang-members, mentally ill and will not be judged and avoided but loved and embraced. A ministry that is not too afraid to speak the truth in love so that God’s Spirit can work and transform broken and hopeless lives. No sugar-coating here, cutting edge, front-line ministry willing to get down and dirty (literally) to see sinners saved. They do not just preach the Word and play good music but make disciples of Jesus Christ! Love this church!
March 2020 by Maria Bello
This church pressures you to give money! First thing they ask when they start their sermon is money. Also, they live in caveman area where they think men are superior beings than women and are only here in the world to create baby’s. I never experienced a church were they were so biased. You can tell all their male pastors don’t have a higher education like a college degree in theology or religion overall. Stay away from this church!
March 2020 by Gloria G.Duran
We came by on our anniversaryWe loved this church always make you feel welcome from the entering of the church.Pastor and his wife very loving and they take that moment to talk to you and this church has so much to offer you.