August 2023 by Gabriel Nunez
I've been taking Chinese Yoga / QiGong for a few months with Bella and have loved her classes. She's a great teacher who's passionate about sharing her knowledge and has a thoughtful approach for working with her students. One lesson I've learned over the years is that when it comes to learning any physical practice, the teacher matters more than the style. If you're like me and have tried the Westernized version of Indian Yoga before and are looking for something with similar benefits that's tailored to your needs, I'd definitely recommend giving one of her classes a shot. The one-size fits all classes that you get at most yoga studios might not be the wisest approach for a lot of people since teachers won't know where you're at in your process and injuries are actually pretty common. These disciplines were always supposed to be tailored to individual needs that reflect the students' strengths and limitations. Having an instructor who knows where you're at in your process and cares about you is also super important. Another thing that often gets neglected in these classes is the inner dimension of practice. I appreciate that Bella incorporates tools like breathwork and meditation that are helpful for working with your thoughts and energy. You get all of that with Bella, which is why I've stuck with her classes and recommend her to anyone who's looking for a more holistic path towards healing their body and mind.
August 2023 by Gabe N.
I've been taking Chinese Yoga / QiGong for a few months with Bella and have loved her classes. She's a great teacher who's passionate about sharing her knowledge and has a thoughtful approach for working with her students. One lesson I've learned over the years is that when it comes to learning any physical practice, the teacher matters more than the style. If you're like me and have tried the Westernized version of Indian Yoga before and are looking for something with similar benefits that's tailored to your needs, I'd definitely recommend giving one of her classes a shot. The one-size fits all classes that you get at most yoga studios might not be the wisest approach for a lot of people since teachers won't know where you're at in your process and injuries are actually pretty common These disciplines were always supposed to be tailored to individual needs that reflect the students' strengths and limitations. Having an instructor who knows where you're at in your process and cares about you is also super important. Another thing that often gets neglected in these classes is the inner dimension of practice. I appreciate that Bella incorporates tools like breathwork and meditation that are helpful for working with your thoughts and energy. You get all of that with Bella, which is why I've stuck with her classes and recommend her to anyone who's looking for a more holistic path towards healing their body and mind.
April 2023 by Francesca Calvo
Martial Arts was never something that really crossed my mind to do, but I am so grateful that I feel into Pa Kua. It is a wonderful combination of physical, mental, spiritual, and life training. Physically, I have become stronger than I ever expected I could be. Emotionally, I am more aware than ever before. And everything in my life - work, relationships - have benefitted from the practice. They studio has a wonderful community of people.
April 2023 by Myles & Riaz Andrews-Patel
We love this studio - our kids have been going for 2 years and they love the teachers and the experience. Highly, highly recommend ??
January 2023 by T Scott
Thank you Master Marina, your exquisite way of teaching has given me back my essence and hope. I’ve had 21 major surgeries and physical therapy wasn’t much help getting me back on my feet. Tai Chi has been amazingly effective. In just 4 months I’ve regained my balance, muscle strength and clarity of mind. I went ice-skating this week, I swam in the ocean and walked all over Italy recently. It’s been 7 years since I’ve been able to live a rich life. I’m back and full of gratitude for this amazing teacher and lovely studio that I can visit twice! Thank-you from the bottom of my hopeful heart. Tira
October 2022 by Crystal Lett
I found Pa Kua during the pandemic shutdown..and I will be forever grateful that I did! I was in class for a year when some of the other reviewers here only came for a month or so, then quit, then claim to have a good sense of this amazing healing place..Not!I think my experience speaks volumes!During my 18+ months studying Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Qi Gong, Swords, and reflexology I have lost weight, regained the gymnastic level use of my broken wrist and injured shoulder, learned life saving self defense skills and learned how to adjust my diet for healthier living..all while managing my stress, becoming more in tune with my body and improving my mental health. Money I wasted on meds and doctors before was better spent on Pa Kua over the course of a few years...I'D PAY THAT AGAIN AND AGAIN!THANK YOU MASTER BELLA. THANK YOU MASTER BERETTA. THANK YOU MASTER MARINA. THANK MASTER DEBORAH.If you are sick of being sick call them asap.
October 2022 by Bykergrrl LA
I am over 70 years old - I credit World Pa Kua with keeping me fit, flexible and in good balance (physical & mental). Exercise at a gym was never on my favorites list but at World Pa Kua I really look forward to my classes.
October 2022 by Betsy Johnson
I am thoroughly enjoying my Tai Chi and sword classes. They have really helped me to stay centered and helped me with my balance. I am almost 80 years old so you are never too ol.
October 2022 by Alitash Kebede
The last year-and-a-half I have spent at World Pa Kua Martial Arts has been the most beneficial for my health. I attribute it for normalizing my thyroid and overall giving me a sense of well being. The studio is a treasure in the community, and so is Master Bella, the founder/owner.Love the place…it’s a blessing in my life. Thank you, Master Bella and all who keep it going. Peace to all creatures.
October 2022 by Nikko Austen Smith
I love this place. I've had the honor of studying Archery with Master Marina for over a year now. The guidance I've received is wonderful. I'd definitely recommend this place to everyone! Especially those who want to quiet the mind, learn to deep breathe, and focus on living in the present moment. Archery is such a beautiful and meditative martial art form. Come try a class! You won't regret it.
October 2022 by Satenik Tonoyan
If you’re looking for a place to practice self-care or your child to master discipline then this is the right place to be. My daughters have been practicing TaiChi for over 1.5 and I can see the change in their behavior as well as their physical appearance. AwesomeMasters and teachers.
October 2022 by Ben Gown
World Pa Kua Marital Arts has so many options for classes for all ages. I have had a great experience with my tai chi classes. Highly recommend.
May 2022 by John G
My son enjoys his time in both archery and martial arts. He is proud of his accomplishments, and I have been impressed to see the extent to which his aptitude has improved. I definitely recommend these programs.
March 2022 by Azzi S.
My 3 kids have been going to martial arts classes here for 2 years and we love it! The instructors are all really great. We especially love Master Mo!
February 2022 by Riaz P.
We love this gem of a martial arts school! Our kids are 4.5/5.5 and they have never once said they didn't want to go. Teachers are talented & thoughtful - everything a parent could want. Highly recommend.