July 2023 by Jenny B.
Short story- Amazing school! It's a co-op so each parent works a few days in the classroom under the teachers and your child gets a preschool experience at half the price. Go tour it.Long Story -I was a preschool teacher for nearly a decade and have a master's in education. I love this school for so many reasons- the community involvement, getting an open invitation to stop by and see what my child is doing at any time, educated and dedicated long time teachers, the playground, child-led activities, low tuition, and lastly, the FUN!My five year old left TCP knowing all but two uppercase and 4 lowercase letters. She can write her name and shows advanced math skills doing basic addiction in her head. She can tell you about nouns and knows the exclamation mark in a book means Ms. Shelley is going to get loud. Most importantly- she knows how to ask an adult for help when needed. She is confident in herself and stands up for herself with peers and adults. These are the skills TCP taught her. And it didn't include one single worksheet. Give your child the fun, hands-on approach to learning that they deserve.
May 2023 by Chris K.
This is the Village you know it takes to raise a child. The year Little turned 2, I signed her up for the parent-toddler sessions on the suspicion that the post-partum fog would clear if I had a reason to get out of the house before noon. "This is perfectly developmentally normal--" Mrs. Lynelle, in full Fall Basic Girl regalia reassured me as we watched my kid methodically destroy her cinnamon spiced bobbing apples sensory bin, one disappointed Styrofoam mouthful at a time. "Hey, some of us are getting together to hang and make edible diy playdough, care to join?" The year Little turned 3, we moved up to Mrs. Lizette's 2 day class. I am in awe of how Mrs. Lizette is able to end every other sentence with "My Friend" and genuinely mean it. Never mind that she just pried her Friend off the fence in the emotional bedlam of first time parent drop off or she just talked her Friend into rocking a pink velour track suit from the loaner clothes bureau so she could put the latest potty training mishap behind her. The year Little turned 4, we graduated to Mrs. Shelley's 3 day class. By then we were looking forward to TCP traditions that would be impossible to organize alone and are equally impossible to fully catalog here-- rehoming outgrown toys and securing extra play clothes at the fall yard sale, school and family pictures that double as holiday greeting cards, holiday scooter parades, petting zoos (sometimes with baby zebras, sometimes roof-eating camels), fill the playground with snow days, take your dad to school night, take your mom to tea, Santa, Easter Bunny and Silly McGilly visits, special birthday songs and stories, tie-dye shirts, field trips, and craft projects galore. This was also the year I came to appreciate that part of the magic of TCP is that you get back everything you are willing to put in. Sure, TCP isn't a fit for everyone, working a couple days in the classroom per month can be tricky to schedule, and not a possibility for every family. I flirted with some more convenient and corporate childcare drop off programs over the summer and to supplement TCP but found myself less at ease-- there was no opportunity to get to know the other kids and parents. There wasn't a chance to feel helpful using whatever special connections I have to solve a problem or make an experience even more epic. The art was all kinder readiness worksheets that came back in monochrome crayon with implausibly neat penmanship. But I digress. It is a comfort to know all her classmates and their parents by name. It is a relief to know that my kid can have a pet, sand, paint and glitter-abundant childhood without committing to caring for or cleaning it up at home. This year, Little turns 5. We could send her to TK for 6 hours a day, but it isn't clear what she would be learning-- TCP's play-based preschool has created a fluent reader that is comfortable with 1st grade math concepts. Besides, I'm not sure we could persuade her to keep her shoes on for that long. So we'll be back for another year of TCP while homeschooling on the side. We're looking forward to catching up with our old friends and making some new ones. Hopefully this gives you a sense for what you are in for. If you'd like to learn more, reach out to the parent volunteers who monitor the TCP website to set up a time to tour the campus. See you next fall!
November 2022 by Firas H.
We found this school to be beyond all we imagined that a little kid will experience at such a young age; the staff do their best and their maximum effort and creativity to provide a rich environment for kids to learn, have fun, interact and be exposed to new things. I think it's the best thing a child can experience at this age, kids will have time to learn discipline and structure later.
August 2022 by M D.
My kids attended here 2021, before starting kindergarten but I wish we had gone sooner. Ms. Shelley is so amazing in how much she cares for the kids, she gets to know each child (so many details she shares at graduation prove this) and she is fun and silly with them. Their other teacher Ms Lyzette was also amazing, kind and fun. My kids had fun and it was a very positive experience that I am thankful for.
July 2022 by Jorge A.
I have sent both of my kids to TCP and I'm glad I did. The staff have been amazing and very loving towards both my son and daughter. TCP helped prepare my son for kinder and they are doing the same for my daughter. One of the best parts of the school is how much the parents are involved - we are very much a big part of our kids' education - and it's great to be a part of the TCP family!
June 2021 by Nikki C.
I learned about co-op schools via a flyer for a different preschool. I then luckily found this one and immediately liked what they offered. What drew me to the school was it's philosophy of developing the whole child. Ms. Shelley 100% does this, and as a co-op parent, you get to be part of the magic. I loved that they had a parent-toddler program to get my children and myself used to the school and staff before leaving my kids there without me. Being able to do that was priceless. When you become a parent and have a young child, it's important to feel good about where you send them without you. This place and the people who run it are all so loving. The community aspect truly makes it different. The commitments can be a lot for families, but once you figure out your priorities as a parent and family, you figure out what's worth your time and energy. TCP was it for me! We just finished our 5th year there and I plan to be back for a few more for my younger child. I also love that they don't require kids to be potty trained or wear shoes (although they must still bring them), both of which speak to the philosophy. Parent education is another component of the school, and it's nice to get that, along with mentorship, from the teachers during your children's formative years. We love TCP!
June 2020 by Meranda S.
The best preschool around! I was nervous signing my son up for preschool I wasn't sure if I was ready. We went for a tour and fell in love. I thought my son would cry and beg me to stay but within two minutes of signing him in on the first day he told me to go home, he was good! Our family was lucky enough to spend 5 years at this amazing gem of a preschool. The director (Miss Shelley)is AMAZING and Miss Jen in the office is great with all of the children. I couldn't imagine having my children go anywhere else. They were both always excited to get ready for school and I'm so glad we went with a developmental school like TCP. The curriculum is always changing while incorporating treasured traditions. My kids always felt loved and safe to be who they were. The school is not just for the children - while being a working parent I was able to learn from other parents and see how my children interacted with their peers. It was a wonderful experience for all of us!
September 2019 by Raina Kowlessar
Great Parent and Me program. Such a fun play-based learning co-op.
July 2019 by Patty S.
Our young adults who are now 32, 30, ,28 went to the parent toddler program, then on to the 2 day then 3 day class. We made life long friends, learn from specialist in early childhood development and so much more. We highly recommend this school to anyone looking for a program in which your child will blossom, enjoy all the hands on activities, wonderful field trips and the list goes on and on.
June 2019 by Sharon D.
My family had 6 wonderful years at Tustin Community Preschool. The Cooperative Preschool experience was one that I was looking for, and this school turned out to be so much more. The Director Ms. Shelley is a true gift to this school. She puts her heart and soul into the program and is such a magnificent teacher. TCP is the true definition of a developmental preschool. The children learn through play, have the freedom to be who they are , and you never get tired of all the creative process art that you get to hang on the walls. All around TCP is a magical place. The amazing teachers, the hard working parents, the happy playful children, the bunnies, the wonderful family events, creating life long friendships, and your children always remembering their time there are all reasons why my family will always be grateful for our time at TCP. We wish we could do it all again!
June 2019 by Aimee M.
My oldest daughter graduated from TCP after being in parent toddler and 2 years of preschool. I love the co-op, family type, laid back atmosphere...It's a great place for a little one to start to grow up! Ms. Shelley and Ms. Christina are both amazing and loving teachers. So much time and dedication is put in by both teachers, and it shows with all of the cool projects the kids bring home. As a full time working mom, I treasure the time I get to spend with my babies. Being hands on in the classroom was such an awesome experience, watching my baby blossom into a "big kid" by being creative and playing with her friends. Not only did I get quality time with my daughter at TCP, but I also made some lifelong friends and learned a lot about parenting. Our monthly parent meetings are so much fun, and a nice "adult" night with great keynote speakers. I highly recommend this amazing little school, and I am counting down the days for my next baby to start at TCP!
February 2019 by Katie Cantillo
TCP is such a wonderful school! It is enriching and magical! The children learn so much here and Ms. Shelly is one in a million! She is the best teacher my son has ever had to take his first steps in his journey of education.