April 2023 by Helen H.
What a great man. No one could possibly love books more. A true, one of a kind, eccentric genius. His shop was a refection of his great mind. He is loved and remembered by customers/ friends with gratitude and affection. His love of books made the world a better place.
March 2023 by Jay M.
My review was removed for some reason, but I was at this business about a year ago and the guy completely freaked out on us unprompted, we wanted to browse and see if we could find something we liked, but this guy kept badgering us asking us to look at specific sections, we felt very uncomfortable and then he started shouting and eating his mask, the guy was pretty disturbed and disheveled so we left without responding. Totally unprofessional.
May 2022 by Rachel W.
He was my brother and now he is gone. If you interested in taking over his books please call me at (310) 702-0160, Rachel
October 2018 by A. T.
I love bookstores and try my best to buy from them when I can, but my experience at this bookstore was just awful. When I walked in a scary guy bellowed,"What are you looking for so I can point you to the right direction?" I told him that I was "just looking" meaning I just wanted to look around first, for Christ's sake, it's a bookstore! I looked at one section for a moment and wanted to go to another and he screamed, "I told you if you would just tell me what you are looking for I can show you the section that it's in!" (Scary, creepy, weird-o, rude and not cool-scary or interesting-weird, just plain unhinged.) Who needs someone yelling at you. I walked out. He should have a sign out front that says: GONE CRAZY. I did want to tell him, "If I knew what I wanted I would get it on Amazon!!!" And I love bookstores! He is a bad example of a bookseller.
April 2018 by Annabelle D.
Let me preface by saying I've been in this shop more than once. I just left because I was just disgusted with the owners treatment. My daughter was so Angry she just walked out. Now I know the owner to be a rare bird. I've seen both ends of the spectrum with him. Where he's been nice and not so nice but I continued to purchase from him. I've overlooked his attitude because he does have very nice books and as a book lover and collector I just want to buy books. Not today! Maybe he was bothered because he was on the phone when we walked in. Either way I greeted him in a friendly manner and complimented him on his books and mentioned how much I loved his store and how I've purchased from him a couple of times in the past. I also mentioned that I knew the older books where behind him. This was where it all went downhill. I was complimenting him on his older books and out of no where in a scolding tone he says Are you looking for something? Because I can't just take stuff down this is not and I quote "show and tell" Now I understand if the store had been busy, but we were the only people in there and likely the only customers of the day as it was a late Tuesday afternoon. Really? Who says that to a potential client?!?! I was appalled at his answer but decided not to engage him because at this point I was looking for my daughter to leave! Well, she's already walked out. When I went outside to see why she left. She stated that she was disgusted by the mans rude behavior. I apologized for him and explained to her that I'd always just overlooked his odd behavior because I was there to buy books not be his friend. But not this time seeing my daughter so upset. I promised her I would never again give this man my business. MESSAGE TO THE OWNER: AS A LOVER OF BOOKS I'VE OVERLOOKED YOUR RUDE BEHAVIOR IN THE PAST. NOT ANYMORE. YOU REALLY SHOULD CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE. YOU WOULD THINK HAVING YOUR SHOP IN A DYING SHOPPING CENTER YOU WOULD WELCOME ANY POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS....UNFORTUNATE.