Zack’s Auto Services
Auto Repair
1715 Abalone Ave #306, Torrance CA 90501
Most Recent Comments
January 2024
Miles is the ABSOLUTE best!! My family and I have been coming here for so many years and we have never found anyone else more reliable and helpful!! Even after moving, I still only bring my car to Miles for any maintenance needs.
December 2023
If your working a full time job and can’t take your car this is the place to call!!! Wow today I was so busy I couldn’t take my car for a service the past week. My cousin told me about their service and got my service done ASAP.
December 2023
The best auto mechanic shop in Torrance. And the best thing is they have online oil change. I was at work and they picked up my car did the job brought it back to me. That’s what I need!!!
More Comments(14)
From Zack’s Auto Services
Welcome to our cutting-edge Auto Repair Shop in Torrance, offering unbeatable prices and honest service. Explore our online services YES Online Services, for oil changes, brake replacements, car maintenance, bodywork, transmission services, and more. Just call us and we explain this convenience service. Also, you can Shop around, but you'll find us the lowest prices in the entire Torrance area. Your car's best care is just a call away.
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