March 2022 by Teresa T.
I started sessions with Janice at the beginning of the year. My intentions for Pilates were both noble and vain. Noble in the sense that I have finally realized I can't keep beating up my body through hours of sitting and very recalcitrant bursts of exercise. Vain in that I had just moved to LA and wanted to get super hot. Because this is the town of the very beautiful person. Enter Janice. From the moment we did our intake call, I could tell that she knew exactly how I could address both my functional concerns (ex. chronic neck and back pain, anteverted shoulders, stiffness) while also addressing the more cosmetic goals I had (namely, toning and definition, especially of my core/abdomen). Our first session was a great mixture of me learning the reformer and her figuring out the best ways to motivate/teach me. I signed up for a twenty-pack and have greatly enjoyed every hour I get to spend with her. It's been only three months but I can feel my body changing. I am more aware of how I sit, how I stand, and how I move. I can identify the specific muscles I need to use when doing exercises and have learned to really enjoy core work, something you could not have paid me enough money in the world to pretend to like in the past. More than anything, Janice is great at helping you feel in control of your body and your overall wellness. There's no magic bullet to it. Just consistent exercise, being aware of how you are feeling, and intentionality. I look forward to training with her for many years to come.
September 2021 by Robyn T.
I've been training with Janice (the owner of the studio) for over a year and can say she has been a force of change in my life both physically and emotionally. After having 2 kids and a career, there was little "me time" and working out was an exhausting thought. Janice helped me regain my confidence, strength and tone my body. She's been able to customize our sessions and they have always remained challenging and engaging. Janice is a warm, attentive and generous person and that's reflected in her teaching and as a small-business owner. To anyone who is willing to consistently put in the time and work hard, Janice will be there to support you. I'm delighted that this studio has become a happy haven for me, and Janice has become a mentor and a friend.
September 2020 by Arden Lewis
Working with Janice one on one has allowed my body to keep walking and my joints to open up more freely so I can accomplish my goals. A lifesaver for me.
June 2019 by Rese K.
We recently moved to the area from the west side where I had a pretty set list of studios/instructors I frequented and was at a loss upon moving to a brand new neighborhood. My husband gifted me with a private session at this studio as it is close to where we live. My session was with Janice, the owner, who is super lovely. Her instruction was intelligent, well-informed, and tailored to fit my needs (focusing on alignment). You can tell when an instructor is actually paying attention and she was very intuitive and encouraging in her approach. We had the whole place to ourselves and the studio is very peaceful. I left feeling centered, stronger, and with some new insights on what to keep an eye on for myself. I wish I could afford to only take privates but highly recommend this place and Janice for anyone looking to refine their practice along with beginners and anyone with injuries.
January 2019 by Kelly W.
I love Janice! I never write reviews, but let me tell you...she's the best! I'm someone who went to a typical gym on and off for years... but lately, with work & life, it's been less "on" and more... and more "off". And the older I get, the more it shows... also, it gets harder and harder to get back into the routine of exercising. I've tried yoga... but I had almost zero knowledge about Pilates. The only thing I did know... was there was some sort of a torture-y machine-thingy involved. One with straps and pulleys and pegs and springs... all of this equating to certain injury (and embarrassment) for someone as accident prone/balance challenged as myself (true story: I once lost my footing on a gym treadmill and went flying off the back of the thing)... Enter Janice. A dear friend dragged me with her one Saturday, and an hour later, I left the session feeling... pretty great. And I've been going back ever since. There is nothing pretentious or intimidating about her studio. Instead, it has a totally approachable, warm and supportive vibe. Align & Define is like, the Tom Hanks of Pilates studios. Clients are off all ages and shapes. And the machine (the reformer) isn't scary at all. Most of all, Janice makes Pilates feel very grounded and easy to understand. She shows you how to connect your breath to the movements with charming visualizations, "Imagine you're wearing a diamond necklace, open your chest, like you're presenting it to the ceiling." I never shut off my brain. It's a constant stream of to-do's and to-don'ts...but I look forward to seeing Janice each week, because Pilates requires a focus that keeps your mind from wandering. I'm actually present. Plus, I've turned up with my back tight and out of sorts (too much time working at a computer) and after working with Janice, left with my back aligned, looser and soothed. Not only is Janice kind, upbeat and encouraging, she's incredibly knowledgeable about Pilates, physiology, movement ... and how to make them all work together. I was looking to lose weight/get toned, but since working with Janice, I've seen changes in my appearance, and I feel stronger... but also, I feel better inside too. I would have never thought of myself as a "Pilates-person" - and yet... there I am, 7am, rain or shine, presenting my diamond necklace to the ceiling... and loving every minute of it. I can't recommend Janice and Align & Define studios enough!