“Everyone talks about the alcohol and firearms which is understandable. It is unique to see under one roof. However, the real reason for visiting should be the jukebox. It has been a decade since I was there last so things may have changed, but they had a jukebox packed with country records and it was still working. Classic sounds from a bygone era, it makes The Sportsman one of my favorite spots to have visited. Just imagine….you could possibly sip a Colt 45, purchase a .45 caliber revolver, and listen to an old Hank 45 at the same time. Outstanding.”
“Everyone is super friendly and helpful. They are the best place to get work shoes at a good price. They last him a lot longer than if we buy shoes anywhere else.”
“I absolutely love this store. The selection is wonderful. I find my whole family seasonal shoes every time. I bought two pair of beautiful boots there . You can't go wrong shopping here.”
“Just walked in this morning to say hello and get a couple of cool shirts after my "morning glory" at "the bagel bin" across the street. I got a new walking shirt from here that I will wear soon for this town while I am out policing the streets of "Gotham" (Sonora CA). You know cause IM BATMAN! For some reason I had a missing person report out on me on Friday according to the Sonora police but I went to say hi to the Tuolumne county jail on Justice center drive behind the Walmart and they found me. I wanted to help them find me just in case I was still missing. I'm just not wearing my Batman "mask". Lol. Thank you for your outdoor store and cool equipment to help us enjoy the outdoors even better. God bless”