July 2021 by Ellen R.
Pleasantview is Heaven Sent! May 27, 2021 My son, William, is a client of Pleasantview. He does packaging of medical supplies and has other responsibilities. This is a "safe place" for him. He has worked at other organizations, that sadly were below a safe standard of care. They did not treat their clients with dignity and respect, which they badly needed. Being developmentally disabled can be very challenging and can make it tough to trust others and depend on them. Those who are developmentally disabled have many scars and can live in darkness. At Pleasantview, William is treated on a one-on-one basis as are the other clients. They are treated professionally and sincerely. Everyone gets personal attention on meeting goals that have been set up by client and supervisor. Emotional support is a given. When my son has been troubled, he has staff who recognize his needs and who work with him in the kindest way possible to put him at ease. He trusts their advice and follows through on what they recommend. Pleasantview promotes socialization. All the clients eat and take breaks together. They are able to form relationships and not be alone, which is problematic for this population. They can cycle into depression and isolation, which is very debilitating. Interactions build self-confidence and increase self-esteem. Pleasantview celebrates everyone's birthday, has parties and pizza days. Everything to build a safe and happy community. With William working at Pleasantview, he has gained a sense of self. He takes pride in himself and found a purpose in life. He has a much more positive outlook. The program has provided structure in a very nurturing way. Structure is essential for healthy growth and development. Everyone needs to have a purpose in order to get out of bed in the morning and Pleasantview has given this to William. William comes home with a smile when he shares his day with us. As parents, this has given us hope that William will have a contented life and a special something to make his life brighter. This has reduced our concern for William's deficits. What more can a parent ask for? The staff, led by Jennifer, have been the most professional and caring team and have worked wonders for William thru their unconditional acceptance of William. They are able to set boundaries and give William hope for a better tomorrow. The Dream Team are Jennifer, Program Director, Karin, Care Coordinator, Sandy, Rickie, Randy, CC, and Frances. If I missed anyone, please excuse me and know they are appreciated. They are all angels, and are most appreciated! Ellen, MSW; ACSW
February 2020 by Debbie B.
My son has been enrolled at Pleasantview Industries for the past four years. He has participated in all three available programs and has been successful in each. The staff is wonderful and has done a great job with each of his placements. They have been able to work with his strengths and place him in the job(s) that fit his capabilities. With their guidance and encouragement he has gained more confidence and independence, and looks forward to going to work everyday. We are impressed by all of his accomplishments and appreciate the opportunities they have provided him. While Plesantview may not be the right fit for everyone, our experience has only been a positive one.
January 2020 by Terry P.
I have been affiliated with Pleasantview Industries for awhile. I have seen growth in my family member in responsibility etc. The new program that is now being offered is especially efficient in offering self-esteem, variety and growth in person. The program has offered paid internships for the qualified in different industries and has opened up a vast array of knowledge for many of the participants. Let's remember that Pleasantview caters to the disabled of various degrees and not all members will qualify for jobs outside of Pleasantview. However, just the participation in a group and the self-esteem encounter is a blessing. The staff that I know is great, encouraging and has never been rude or condescending that I have encountered. Let's remember you don't drop off someone and let another take over, it is a partnership that is 50% your responsibility
July 2019 by Ro Kohli
Never had a problem with this place. Love the staff and the workers. They do great work, my projects done quickly, and always help me stay under budget.
May 2019 by Victoria Berrey
The staff at this agency do not respect their clients enough to return phone calls, nor do they place them in jobs.
May 2019 by Jamie Askew
Jennifer Zimmerman sucks.