December 2023 by Janae S.
This Chevron on Broadway and Donovan across from Arco is unprofessional, unconsiderate and eating. While they're at the register, talking amongst each other about inappropriate things that are unprofessional. And they also are dealing in laughing and being a rooted and considerate when people come in. Did you not use a restroom? And also do not give me that right? Change back. I wouldn't recommend a store to for any one who is vulnerable in any type of way. Because they are, I'm predictable. And I Believe this community is in a downward spiral sitering. The fact that when I got here in 5 years ago, there were clean streets available motels, honesty, and considerate individuals in the workplace. Now it seems like I'm back Increase school dealing with children don't behind the register. The reason why the streets are so dirty. Filled with trash and fees season urine. Now it's because people like this. The deny the restroom for people and light and stay that it's under construction. Or it doesn't work, and then when you go to the side of these. Establishment there's feces you're trash throw up covered everywhere, including a ton of homeless people on the community. Because the these people do not lend out hands. They just call the police and laugh and carry on when really, they're just. Shine off them because they're the ones behind. The register still in the money and doing the paddiness. I think this established mint needs a whole new set of employees to get rid of the trash that continues to fail this community.