August 2023 by Heracleitus D.
This school is improving a lot they build a new school for kids who do well in school iam very proud of the principal for making this all happen
September 2022 by Serena H.
The WORST school in the district. Do not bring your kid here unless you want them to get messed up. There are so many bullies here and they do NOTHING about it. We've complained many, many times and all they did was make them "hug it out". They didn't even bother putting them in separate classrooms which should be the LEAST you could do. They do not care about their students wellbeing a single bit.
December 2020 by Nicole Nelson
I love this school so much. My son has been thriving here. My son's Principal and teachers are phenomenal.
December 2020 by Tracie Schneider
Gold Ribbon School. Excellent teachers and staff.
December 2020 by Greggory Babb
Good faculty
December 2018 by Madisays 13
I went to Skyblue Mesa elementary from 2009-2016 and I hated because I was being bullied and by the end of 6th grade I had two friends. I have depression now and have had it since 4th grade from that elementary school. I went up to the nurses office everyday for recess and lunch making lies about having to go up there so I didn’t have to be bullied. I talked to the principal about this and she did nothing she thought I caused all of it. The only way I recommend this school is for the teachers they are the best. Also the front office ladies are amazing not at all the princibal.- Madison Jaspan class of 2016
December 2018 by Wutzmyname
4th through 6th grade graduation late 80s. Was in 4th grade when my teachers were all crying because Krista McCullough was in the space shuttle Challenger. Great school. They have the same tree I was beaten up regularly by Derrick Goparrian. Good times. Good times.
December 2018 by Cory Phillips
This school is a family, and I am so lucky we moved into its parameters. The teachers are the absolute best, and the new principal is beyond fabulous.
December 2018 by AnthonY H
The school is awsome