Orange Meadow Apartments in Orange CA using AAOC to write forms to scam tenants. Look in to it
March 2023
Their judges, judge for a commissionTheir preachers, preach for gainAnd, their is no truth in them...nor do they Love thy neighbor, as they do their own self....LAST review........ 5yrs ago??A Non- Profit??This system is built on "Maximizing'PROFIT!Off our neighbors..then repeat
May 2019
Enjoy all their services and my instructors! Can’t wait to graduate from here as a Certified Rental Housing Provider in California.
AAOC is a member-based professional trade association that serves residential rental property owners, operators, and industry service providers. Member services include: resident screening; operational guidance and resources; education programs and classes; local and state legislative advocacy; business referrals; networking events; trade shows; and other business and professional development opportunities.