December 2023 by Rick B.
Kaiser is trying to kill my mom by giving her Abilfy for only sleeping issues! It's not for anyone especially people who have memory problems & heart problems & she's got both! No doctors help anyone they just give toxic drugs to people! They are not real doctors as they are "doctors in practice! They experiment on us like rats! A real doctor Is an aruvedic doctor! The vaccines all lower your immune system duh! It's a sleazy biZ!
December 2023 by Margaret W.
This is the worst Medical Center I have ever been to! Coming from Orange County it's like a step child, although Kaiser has 40% of the market share in Marin County. When a person is sick enough to be admitted to ICU they run a ton of tests but no results are given. You are in pain and ask for something and they make you wait 2 hours and then bring you half a 5mg Norco. And make sure that you feel like it criminal for asking. Not asking you what your pain level is? There are loads of non Norco options out there. Instead a Morphine which is the cheapest drug you can buy. And makes you feel terrible after. I have Sepsis and I had to ask if there's an other for the antibiotic! This is patient care at its worst and the Nurses are traveler's who don't really care. You as the patient in ICU can hear them talking about how excited they are to leave.. You Greg Adam's need to spend time in Northern California Sir, this is now your legacy it's time to shape it into the standard that Kaiser has set for SoCal. Time to invest in the Communities where you provide much needed care to those you serve and it is a service we pay for. Not a gift! #GregAdams #Kaiser Permanente #Marin deserves better #Kaiser needs fixing #StandupMarinyoudeservebetter
September 2023 by Curtis W.
Even though I got injured at work and I've been with you guys for over six years, I I can say that you really appreciate your customers and sincerity, considering you didn't even tell me that my company disabled my health coverage, even though my injuries aren't fully repaired, and they fulfilled my spot unlawfully termination, but you guys care so much when spine injury happens that you would subject somebody on adhd medicine to resort to cannabis club for the street drugs instead of helping them with their sciatic nerve issue next to issue in the spine You guys took the MRIs three different times on the same, and each doctor had the same exact look on their face when they read the other doctors examinations because they all had different examinations of it. Really good eyes Gyse thanks so much for your health coverage and your care. Oh my God thank you.
September 2023 by Elaine B.
Kaiser dr saved my life. Pancreatic cancer survivor thanks to the diligence of all the staff. From oncology to radiation thru surgery all the best Thanks
September 2023 by Steve K.
Kaiser san rafael 's imaging dept is pitiful. Been there twice for a 1:30 appointment- right after their lunch break. Over one half our behind schedule each time. Had to leave both times without having scan done due to prior commitments. It's more of a walk in . They possibly get to you when convenient for them.
July 2023 by Jayne G.
I had ear lobe repair done by Dr. Malika Atmakuri and paid in full the day of the procedure. I'm not a Kaiser member but they assured me that's no problem. Now I'm being billed by Kaiser's billing office, which says it was no record of my payment. I've called repeatedly and finally drove there to get a print out of my record. So....Kaiser may work ok if you're a member, but don't use the cosmetic service if you're not a member. I'm stilling fighting with the billing office. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing there.
May 2023 by Marylou Sanchez
Nice costumer service and fast service too.
April 2023 by Valerie R.
I was referred to a hand surgeon at Kaiser's San Rafael Medical Center - for carpel tunnel release surgery because the surgeon at the Oakland Medical Center doesn't do Endoscopic surgery. When I went to the surgeon in SR on April 3rd for consultation told me it was a 10 minute process and he's done hundreds of them. Then he said someone would be calling me to schedule an appointment and that they were scheduling surgeries at the end of the month (of April). 3 weeks later I had not heard from them so I called them. Someone there put me on hold and then told me she would need to check and get back to me. A week later nobody had gotten back to me. So I called again today and after insisting on staying on the line until I got to someone who could schedule my appointment I finally got thru to someone called Angel who was the "scheduler" and he not only told me that now they are scheduling 2-3 months out but he could not put me on the schedule and could not tell me when I would get a call back to get on the schedule. I'm wondering why I even stick with Kaiser and pay almost $1200/month so I can get this kind of treatment. To be fair, I am officially associated with the Oakland Medical Center and I have never had this kind of treatment there. They are generally very efficient and bend over backward to accomodate the patients. But Kaiser San Rafael? I can't recall when I've experienced such incompetence. If I could give this team less than 1 star I definitely would based on this set of interactions!!
November 2022 by David H.
Years of being a Kaiser Permanente patient experiencing all the medical services, Dr's; triage nurses, pharmacy & so much more with rarely a concern. Easily the most comprehensive, patient-focused medical service provider in the country! I love Kaiser! They care, compassionate, attentive; patient-focused & so good!
November 2022 by Linda A.
The best. I really like Kaiser. Good attentive doctors and staff.I think Kaiser was so so years ago but they have come a long way.
October 2022 by Iram Cee
They text you that your medication is ready for pick up. You show up, wait in line. & then they ask you to wait 15/30 min. I been here for an hour waiting. Imagine if I would have came on my lunch time. So inconsiderate and inconvenient!!! Update: after an hour of waiting they call the name just to let me know 1 out of 3 prescription is ready, and now they have me waiting another 15/30 min for the second one
October 2022 by Ci2 M.
The worst Release of Medical Information Dept in all of Northern California! 1. They do not verify forms that the doctors complete 2. They do not want to open their doors to help patients 3. Petaluma/Novato sends all patients to San Rafael but none of them take patients in. 4. Their turn around times are 30 days to get your form back. 5. You can never speak to a live person. 6. They never return messages. 7. Petaluma employees are rude!
October 2022 by Justice H.
The worst Release of Medical Information Dept in all of Northern California! 1. They do not verify forms that the doctors complete2. They do not want to open their doors to help patients3. Petaluma/Novato sends all patients to San Rafael but none of them take patients in. 4. Their turn around times are 30 days to get your form back.5. You can never speak to a live person.6. They never return messages.7. Petaluma employees are rude!
August 2022 by Theresa F.
Kaiser has been failing miserably lately. I cannot, in good faith, recommend Kaiser. The reasons are numerous. I've waited for the advice nurse for 30 minutes on 2 occasions only to have my calls dropped. I ended up in emergency. Care there was decent. I was scheduled for surgery which ended up to be a nightmare. I waited 4 hours, on a gurney, with a needle in my hand , waiting for surgery. I went down a deep dark rabbit hole during this extraordinary wait. Surgery failed. Need to go again in August. I'm trying to get support, I have been given the royal runaround. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. The word Thrive at Kaiser means something different to them than it does to me.
August 2022 by Sunny Lee
Courteous services. Excellent well stocked off the shelf medicine, supplements, sunscreens, cough drops, orthopedic insoles and vitamins. A lot cheaper than your downtown drug store’s prices.This pharmacy location is the only one that opens on weekends for a limited short hour.I only need to pick up one prescription medicine that needs my id & signature. All other Kaiser prescription refill meds can be ordered online or a phone call and shipped to my address free of charge within 2-4 days. Real time saver and convenient. Also saves gas and in-person trip to a pharmacy.Kaiser members should consider to utilize this free member service.