November 2023 by Susan Foley
This is a special store. The jewelry is simple, and yet connects to me emotionally. Not high end gold crucifixes, rather pieces I wear to ride my horse.A good place for gifts for yourself or others.
May 2021 by dona m antich
Lovely merchandise
September 2020 by Elaine Janik
Good people in customer care service
October 2018 by John McGuire
This is a fishing pond for one of the shadiest organizations on earth, Regnum Christi a.k.a. the Legion of Christ. They promise novices transferrable academic credits and counseling for ex-members, with apparently no intention of delivering. They may as well worship Satan. Steer well clear.
August 2017 by Senora Plascencia
If you are looking for spiritual / Catholic gifts, this is your perfect boutique. Most interesting pieces for both girls, boys women AND men. Nice jewelry that is everyday wear to remind you of your faith. Go there, worth this short drive.
September 2016 by Brendon Brown
A cozy, Catholic jewelry store which exudes good will and blessing. Staff goes out of the way to serve, and the jewelry is stunning and good for the soul.