September 2022 by Julia F.
I have experienced multiple unsettling experiences during my daughters short 3 years here and unfortunately ended with us withdrawing her, I would like other parents to be aware if they are thinking about taking their child here or if they are currently there. Red flag number one: during a lockdown situation with a intoxicated lady walking into the front office, there was zero communication between my daughters substitute that day and the office. Leaving the teacher to go into full blown lockdown procedures, like blocking the door with desks, shutting off lights and having children hide. (This was not the case in any other classroom) during that scary situation my daughter was told by children in the class to mark herself with markers to make the person of danger assume they were dead by gunshot. after my daughter came home and tearfully told me she was scared for her life with no assurance from substitute I went to the front desk with my concerns, it was met with dirty looks and absolutely zero concern. Second red flag: certain teachers send children out of class when they need breathers or are upsetI didn't mind that until I got a email that my daughter is now falling behind because of her being outside so much, when Voiced my concern over this they changed the narrative to my daughter goes to the bathroom and refuses to come back into class and isn't sent outside by teacher, this is a lie and to put blame on a 7 year old is shocking, almost as shocking as the story the teacher gave 2 weeks prior during parent teacher conference about FORGETTING a child outside for 45min and because of that situation she now has other students in the class remind her when kids are outside. Third red flag: Women employee dress code after a strange story my daughters teacher told parents about her skirt being ripped down to her ankles by the chair exposing her underwear to all of the students I became aware from pick up and drop off/of how inappropriate some woman staff dress on campus, the cherry on top was a very short 10 meeting with the vice principal who exposed her underwear to me over a dozen times. Seeing that this is a school and children are present I would think wearing appropriate clothing would be important, but then again woman in this field of work believe after having a few notches on your belt dress code shouldn't apply. Forth and final red flag: front desk staff, well I can just mirror what's already been posted regarding them, they are rude.. condescending and give off a vibe that they hate their jobs, sorry ladies there are decisions in this world and looking for another that you may enjoy isn't that difficult. Being front desk that's your face of the school they set the tone, and the incredibly gross scowl you get greeted by when you open those doors are the faces I dreaded seeing everytime I needed to go in there. It wasn't surprising one day when the main gate was left locked and kids pushed and hurt others trying to get out and one of those fabulous front desk ladies came out and screamed at the children to get back with the most hateful voice Ive ever heard, but if there going to speak to parents of the community like that, clearly they have no issue speaking to our sweet children that way. Absolutely astonishing. After several lawsuits you'd think this school would get it together, but maybe once they weed out the bad apples they can turn it around with the new school being built. Wouldn't hold my breathe.