March 2024 by Linda Rost
On February 5th, I attended the Teen Challenge graduation event. Participants of the program shared their before and after stories about how they recovered from addiction and crime, which often led to homelessness or time in jail. This caused several of the participants to lose their children. With the help of Teen Challenge, they were able to regain custody and repair their relationships with their families. I do not work for Teen Challenge. I am simply a San Jose resident who wants to help our neighbors who suffer with addiction, crime, and homelessness. Teen Challenge is successfully doing this. I encourage others to support Teen Challenge.
May 2023 by Ken Taylor
Beautiful Day projectPaintingPlumbingYard workElectrical workWhat a blessing to help others
February 2023 by Rolando B.
I wish Jesus would come back and kick Teen Challenge in the ASTRO world like he did in the Bible. This organization has lost its way and have forgotten why it was created in the first place. Money is the only language it speaks. If you needtax write offs, or loop holes in the tax system then by all means utilize what they have. But if you need realhelp pray that you don't end up here. Why are they trying to store treasure on earth? They charge you for everything. You need a ride to court pay us. You need a ride to see your P.O pay us. You didn't make enough money today pay us. Loss of free time and privileges.Theres no free time for the students. An hour or two out of a long week of hard work no rest no sabbath day. Classic nazi like slave labor except they don't kill you. They kick you out. There's always another victim waiting to come in. Everything they do is a facade the classes and what not. They have to do those in order to keep 501 3c. Meet certain state requirements for it. So it's just for the money. It's a white washed tomb. Looks good on the outside but inside it's.. Anyway that's not everything I have to say...
December 2021 by browncde
Good program. Doing great work helping adults and adolescents put their lives back together. I love the fact that God is a very important part of this program.
December 2020 by MIKE CONIBEAR
This is not your average program having my wife in this program for just three months knowing that she has a very long road ahead of her I’ve already seen changes in her I encourage people if you are looking at this program be prepared for hard workRecovery isn’t easy you have to do the work Thank you Teen Challange
December 2019 by LemonPhantomLol
stole our phones and told us to wear jumpsuits, i am surprised that the government hasnt taken them down because this is a cult