November 2023 by Brian T.
Please fix the problem in the registration system.It is limiting participation in an unnecessary way. And making registration more complicated than it needs to be in an unnecessary way.We were trying to get my wife signed up for a couple of Masterclasses as a holiday gift.But if we want to sign her up for the Masterclass in India and the Masterclass in NY, the system won't let us do it if the seminar happens to have the same title or topic.The first will work. But for the second, a message pops up that says "you are already registered."But they are on two different schedules, two different regions, two different leaders. (My wife is a senior level graduate and just happens to like both sets of leaders and wants to be in both seminars even with the time difference.) Not even the leaders of the seminars or Masterclasses themselves can get around this glitch. And they have tried. The system just won't let them do it.People in the office can't do it. Because it is the system itself.As we know, and as the leaders say themselves, the title or topic of the seminar is not the seminar itself.Not only does this glitch happen with seminars that run around the same time, if they have the same topic, even when they are different days, different leaders, different regions. When she was in the What's So seminar and wanted to sign up for another What's so seminar that was coming up and going to start after the one she was in already ended, the system wouldn't let her sign up for the future seminar because it had the same name as a seminar she was currently in. So the leaders are saying sign up. And she wants to sign up because it true that the context starts when you register, but the system itself had a message pop up when she tried to sign up for the future What's so seminar that said, "You are already registered." But she wasn't already registered for that one. It was a different seminar, coming up on a different day with a different leader. It just had people have to go through more trouble than they should have to.Understand the system letting someone know if they signed up for the India seminar already and are trying to sign up for the India seminar again. But if they are signing up for a different seminar with a different leader, it'd be great if the system didn't give them a problem. If the seminars have the same name or topic that can be up to them because each set of leaders and areas in different. And it is not their fault if the leaders they happen to want to take seminars with happened to pick the same seminar topic.
June 2023 by Love L.
I'm a little nervous to share this. But it felt important to say something.The shaming, scolding, pressuring, and putting on the spot of those people who were running late to the NY masterclass or needed to be off camera was like the worst of the old days of est. They used to single people out, lock people out, start calling and emailing people saying they just wanted to "support them," not letting people in, shout out of turn at people, or embarrassing them all in the name of empowerment.They say nobody's wrong, but the you are wrong and pressure like you did or are doing something wrong is definitely there.You really never know what someone is dealing with or going through. Or what they are each dealing with and going through. And there is no accounting for benefit of the doubt or giving people space.If there's a way that we're speaking to Graduates that we wouldn't speak to cherished guests, or wouldn't speak to the graduates that way with guests there, we shouldn't be speaking to the graduates that way.I think it's something we take for granted that we can be any old way with the graduates, and it is contributing to our dwindling numbers.Because if we can interact with the graduates with respect maybe they can have the transformation they came here for, and our numbers overall can start to go up again, including the numbers of people who want to be leaders and represent Landmark Education, which has dwindled as well.Because sometimes we forget that graduates are also cherished.and in a way graduates are also guests that are people dealing with real stuff in their real lives.I don't want to hear people saying people are nervous to bring guests because they are nervous how they will be treated and interacted with at a guest event or after they sign up and take different courses.I mean technically I'm told people are supposed to be at their seminar 30 minutes before and that's the agreement, but as people have many things going on in their lives this is not always tenable.And shouldn't be put on the spot, chased down, put down, embarrassed, or treated badly because of running behind or needing to be off camera.If we can treat graduates well and bring respect and care to interactions with graduates they can feel like Landmark Education treats its humans well. And continue to be proud to participate, to lead, and to bring guests. Or be proud again if they have lost that pride in how Landmark treats each of its humans, graduates and guests.
April 2023 by Serge K.
Zevi Kramer and Mary Ellen Kramer found me through an ad I placed on Craigslist seeking funding for my business. Zevi contacted me and in his very first email sounded excited about product when he didn't even know what it was. His exact words were "I'm interested in investing in your product and making your business thrive.He signed an NDA and made everything look really good and official. He sat my partner and me down and we met and made plans and designs...that he never intended to pursue. After a few flow charts and block diagrams, hiw wife Mary Ellen Kramer offered that I attend an empowerment seminar, completely ignorant of the fact that I am the most empowered person she has ever come across. I politely declined. I sensed a change in the tone of the relationship before she said her next words.There were a few more phone calls and a meeting in an attempt to throw me of their trail, but it was clear that these people were no longer interested in me. The follow the motions because my business idea and product are sound in every aspect.On the night of my 40th birthday, while I was enjoying dinner with my lovely wife and our children, I received an email from Mary Ellen Kramer as if they had consulted with an attorney and decided not move forward. When I asked them what it was that caused them to change their mind, they could only reply with riddles. And when you point out that they're speaking in riddles, they tell you that they gave you access to the answer.For over a month, Zevi Kramer And Mary Ellen Kramer wasted my time and money in attempt to recruit me and my partner to go to their stupid seminars. They raised our hopes with promises of quick delivery because of their experience with a company called Maritime Broadband. They were never interested in investing in our business and did just enough to get us to trust them enough to fork over $600 (which I never did) for their Landmark seminars. They did everything except invest any real money or do any real work.If these people have come to you with promises that are going to change your life, RUN!!! If you have already been victimized, contact me and I will put you in contact with others who have been scammed by these people.
December 2022 by Ant
I attended the recent Landmark Forum in San Francisco (which started on 11 November) and decided to leave at the end of the first day.From David, our forum leader, I witnessed and experienced shame-based tutoring that crossed a line into abusive. The room was repeatedly told we were living a bad life and were wasting it. I was told I was a failure if I left or decided to question the agreement I had been asked to agree to without knowing what was about to ensue. I saw rudeness, insensitivity to participants who were deeply vulnerable, and, at points, straight-up emotional blackmail. Leaving meant I had "no integrity". It was extremely difficult to sit through.Having said that, I can see how some people with low self-esteem will be shamed and controlled into learning some fairly basic principles which will improve their lives, but that certainly does not apply to me. So take this as a warning: if you’re in a bad place then this may work for you but it will not be easy like they make out. There are a lot better courses out there that use far more effective approaches to transformation that are based on compassion and love. I appreciate these can be cost-prohibitive for a lot of people.Landmark needs to undergo some pretty serious transformation itself if it wants to keep up with an industry that has clearly outgrown its toxic behavior.Note: I was told I wouldn’t receive a refund on site but did after contacting their head office.
May 2022 by Pepper L.
I think Landmark as a company has a serious lack of integrity. The people who run Landmark professionally are completely hypocritical. They advise to have total integrity in one's life and to have the goal of helping other people, yet as a disabled individual, the company would not provide me with full services to help me participate in the Forum seminar. When I requested accommodations, they kept calling me and having marathon conversations intended to intimidate me into not receiving the services I was entitled to under the law which were by the way, tax deductible to them, and eventually I had to make a complaint to the NYC Commission on Human Rights. Suddenly, they were able to provide everything I needed. During the Forum and series of seminars after the Forum, it seemed that if I didn't have something wonderful happen, it was my own fault as I am 100% responsible for everything that happens to me according to them. If I am walking in the park minding my own business and I get raped, somehow it had to have been my own fault, or at least it's my own fault for having negative emotions relating to that event which control how I walk in the park now. If I insist otherwise, I'm "running a racket." Myself, I'm "uncoachable," meaning I don't agree with every word the Forum leader says. If you disagree about anything you are told or don't understand it, then you are accused of not doing the work and therefore won't get the benefit because you are not trying hard enough. The friend who introduced me to Landmark could say nothing but positive things about them, she loved taking Landmark courses, even though her life didn't change at all and told me to call them for help with some matter since they are supposed to help me, so I did and was talked into taking another course. Coincidentally around the same time I did this, someone from my past who I had not spoken to for years started contacting me, later I found out he was involved with Landmark currently and he got me to gain his trust by wanting to date me, I confided some very personal financial details to him with which he used to put me in a position of being conned out of money and potentially ripped off of a much larger amount of money. I called Landmark to ask what they thought of this unbelievable, dark coincidence. Their assistant office manager told me to withdraw from what I was going to take, and that perhaps I should find some other life coaching approach as this is not working for me. She said she was sorry but they are not responsible for what anyone does. They do not care about me at all despite their insistence that all Forum graduates are special people to them. They nearly caused me to have a nervous breakdown during my seminar series with all the intimidating phone calls and opposition to my request for services. Now, for all I know, although it seems paranoid, they put this man up to whatever he did. On the plus side, the people that are participating in the Landmark Forum with you are usually wonderful people and you certainly could not do better than spending several evenings with them as long as you don't believe that Landmark really cares about you and is trying to do anything except take money out of your pocket. You can look at it as expensive group therapy. Except you are supposed to get everyone you know to pay for it, too. Some of the philosophy they teach can be helpful, such as not attaching too much emotion to things, but really you don't need to spend a few thousand dollars and have all your friends and acquaintances spend a few thousand dollars to learn this concept, you can read it in many self help books for one percent of that amount or practice Buddhism for free. Its true that the presentation is effective though. Many people truly think they are being helped by Landmark, hence the five star reviews, but really it is just the benefit of dramatic presentation and being in peer groups focused on improving your life. Your peers are not the ones removing the money from
March 2022 by Jack S.
Predatory sales tactics and second-grade-level insights. Not harmful but just a money and time-suck. Timeshare presentation would've been better - less time and cookies at the end. Look at the "not recommended" reviews which are being censored for whatever reason. A lot of them have a great point.
December 2021 by John Headlee
I invested a fair amount on getting LASIK surgery so I had better vision. I spent even less on my education at Landmark and they allowed me to see.If there is any barriers to you living a life full of freedom, power and you being unleashed in who you are in the world, do the Landmark Forum. And by "doing it" I don't mean just attend the course, I mean take it on, do all the homework, be confronted and do it anyhow. Get coaching and continue to do the work.The only way this work doesn't work and doesn't have a MASSIVE impact on your peace, success, happiness, freedom, etc is if you don't do the work and blame the organization, or the technology or some other circumstance. You will be empowered to take yourself and your life on at a level I assert 99.99% of the population doesn't even know is possible.From this course I have been able to repair relationships, leave my job to start my second company after fear I wouldn't be able to make it work after ALREADY having and creating a successful company in my past. Create every chapter in my life and achieve all goals I set again and again, like a BOSS.I basically got clear on what MY barriers to my goals and dreams were and have been educated on the tools to continually breakthrough those barriers and my life is unrecognizable to what it was 4 years ago before doing the Forum.RUN, don't walk to your nearest center, or go online and register. It will be the BEST money and gift you have ever given yourself. You have my word on that.
December 2021 by Richard Lang
I had the privilege of spending 22 years working at Landmark's Corporate Headquarters, both as a Staff Member and as an Employee. (Yeah, it's a little odd, but trust me, there's a difference) I still remember my very first day there - there was no distance between anyone. The most senior individual there was as available as anyone else.The thing to know about World Headquarters is that it is an amazing work place, by virtue of the transformational work of Landmarks' program and their application in life. Everyone was working towards creating a world that works for everyone, and we worked as partners. There was NEVER any gossip, for instance. People made enormous promises, and when they delivered on them they went on to what was next. When they didn't, things were reviewed and revised and we moved on.Relatively recently, Landmark made what appeared to be an astonishing step - people began working there for their professional skills regardless of whether or not they had done any programs. Many wound up doing them and others never did. But everyone was working together inside the realization that it was all for a purpose worth serving. I am a better human being - a better husband, a better family member and a better man for having worked with all those wonderful people who were connected to Corporate Headquarters.
December 2021 by Doc McFadzen
Every bit of my life has transformed into something I never thought would be possible. Through this training and development I am free from my past. I get to be the Greatest Poppi in the World for my kids and my ex-wife and I have an extraordinary partnership/relationship more powerful than when we were married. I have power in my life, everywhere. Life is burden free for me.
December 2021 by Caryn Langdon
When I think of how I describe to someone how to travel some place, I have a tendency to use landmarks. Landmarks serve as guides to travelers. The Landmark Forum is much the same, it's a possible guide to traveling life. In my world it was THE turning point to living a life that *I* create as opposed to a life that was created from where I came from/grew up/my parents - the past; and trust me, I lived a great life prior to the Landmark Forum. Now, I not only life a great life - I also live a life that fulfills on the difference that I say I'm out to create.
December 2021 by Maria Kozlowski
I heard them say once it is an education that lasts a lifetime. I really think its true. I have not been in one of their courses in years. and I still use what I got. I don't feel the need to do any other courses and I remain really grateful for what I got.
December 2021 by Alex Jackl
My success as a professional, as a father, as a husband and as a human being is, in part, a result of the training I have gotten from Landmark Worldwide. Thank you so much!
November 2021 by Brenda N.
I went as far as the Introduction to the Leadership Program. I still have my trophy. I have not, and will not, recommend any course other than the Forum to anyone. Until they choose to address the miasma of racism that was rampant in every course, Landmark is a waste of time.
December 2020 by T Dubs
An excerpt from the fine print:“You and you alone are responsible for your choice to participate in the [p]rogram and for your own health and well-being at all times prior to, during and after your participation…”They want your money, they don’t care about you.
December 2020 by Peri Steffenhagen
An extraordinarily empowering set of tools, practices, and distinctions. I've discovered for myself the access to a life of my dreams and am living it now through the course and program delivery methodology of inquiry and on the court practice.