June 2024 by Peter Hanley
Same as other reviews. Charges a handling fee irrespective of having a prepaid label. Don’t brand it as a normal print and ship center when it’s not a normal print and ship center.
April 2024 by Austin Adam
This location is a scam and FedEx should force it to close. They expect you to pay to drop of a package that you already paid for shipping on. Sounds like employees are lining their pockets….
April 2024 by Thomas Deegan
Charges extra fees
February 2024 by Muzi Li
Very limited service. Came with a package labeled and they refuse to take… was told this needs to go to another FedEx. This is worse than a drop off box
February 2024 by J. O.
Wish I could give 0 stars. This location is a scam. Came in with a prepaid label & they tried charging me double what I paid in additional fees saying, "They have additional fees because they're located in a hotel." I've shipped at FedEx & other places for years & have never heard of this. They should have a GIANT disclaimer on their page saying "WHAT EVER YOU PAID FOR SHIPPING YOU'LL HAVE TO PAY DOUBLE AT THIS LOCATION". Was also told they have fewer pickups than regular FedEx's. Go figure.
January 2024 by Dharmesh Patel
Good staff. They charge a fee when handling drop off packages to send out, just be aware.
October 2023 by 7
Exists it’s just downstairs in the MarriotGo thru lobby and take the far corner escalator down. It will be on your left
August 2023 by deathRoe FourOneFive
Difficult location it's on the bottom floor of the very right hand back corner of the hotel- I literally had to ask security, he pointed me to the back South East corner of the hotel towards an escalator that takes you down two flights into the sub basement level.. but wait, there's more: and now you have to go again to the far Southeast back corner of this level where there is a nondescript FedEx office sign over a very small door in between several other doors.. just to find out that the Saturday hours posted are incorrect!! The door was closed and locked with no sign of life- oh well better luck next time good thing there's as many FedEx office stores as there are Starbucks. The end?
August 2023 by Jordan Bennett
Great manager. Friendly, helpful service. Gently showed a vagrant out while printing my poster. 10/10
July 2023 by Hongkai Zhang
In the b2 level of the hotel, so a lot of extra walk , and it dares to charge a fee for drop off. I immediately left. What a shady business. That's why FedEx is always the inferior choice of shipping. And also this is the first time in a while I go to this area for business, no wonder Powell street is a dead zone.
July 2023 by jcvpve
They charge you for dropping off an envelope.. (‘because we’re a hotel dropoff’). For that privilege, they make you run around the hotel for 5 min to even find them.
July 2023 by Eric Perret
I was there at 6:45 PM Saturday and the shipping portion of the store was already closed.
March 2023 by Chrisil Arackaparambil
Will charge a hotel surcharge fee even with a prepaid label. I was asked for $15 for my box I already had a paid label.
February 2023 by E C
As if Fed Ex or Marriott are broke and ready to fold. Please. Corporate greed at it's worst!
February 2023 by Guisela L.
The line moves quickly. Online postage is the way to go and then come and drop off or have them pick up. Everyone is helpful, location is rough. Parking is the worst. So if you have a large package and you're driving by yourself maybe you want to try a different location.