Colleen’s knowledge and commitment to her clients goes above and beyond! I can’t recommend her and her team enough!
December 2023
Working with Colleen for over 15 years has been one of the highlights of my career as an escrow officer. She just knows her stuff and between her and her team, our transactions are smooth and seamless. Colleen has also become a very dear friend.
November 2023
Colleen Cotter is a seasoned expert in residential real estate. As she has consistently shared market trends and her honest opinion about pricing, I feel she has her clients' best interest at heart. She has been super informative and extremely patient with me. I trust her and love working with her!
Ranked in the top 1% of real estate agents in San Francisco. The Colleen Cotter Real Estate Group, founded by Colleen Cotter is a full-service luxury real estate group based in San Francisco. They cover a full array of properties, working with buyers and sellers alike, across all neighborhoods and price points. Their innovative marketing and creative strategies, in combination with their sophisticated brand, attract the right audience of qualified buyers for every listing no matter the type or size.