8:30AM - 12PM
10752 Coastwood Rd, San Diego9 - 10AM 10:30 - 11:30AM
2610 Galveston St #2399, San Diego“The pastor remembered my name after visiting only once. It was so refreshing to feel the intentionality there. It's a great feeling when you meet people who truly want to get to know you and welcome you.”
“My MeetUp Fun Diego Ladies group did volunteer work here earlier this evening for the Days for Girls Rancho Penasquitos Team. This is a volunteer group established by the ladies of this church and the volunteer events are held within the gymnasium of the church. We partnered with the "San Diego Volunteers - Give Back & Get Back" group and the Days for Girls group for a volunteer event to assemble period kits for women and girls in less developed countries. It was disheartening to learn that girls and women in less fortunate countries don't have this every day necessity that we take for granted. I was one of the ladies in charge of sewing earlier this evening. It was a nice break from a very stressful day and it felt amazing to be a part of a greater cause to give back to the community.The Rancho Penasquitos CA Team Days for Girls has been busy since last fall as they cut fabric, sew, iron, pin, serge, fold, sort, and make kits for girls & women to manage their periods.Link to the Rancho Penasquitos CA Days for Girls Facebook page: local information on the Rancho Penasquitos CA Team Days for Girls, call/text Vicky Bush (858) 722-8165 or Lorraine Henry (858) 254-4970.Donations: donate.daysforgirls.org/… view the Days for Girls official website: daysforgirls.org/our-mis…I look forward to coming back to this church to volunteer at future events. What a great group of ladies!”
“The service was very nice! Being a new parishioner, the people seemed to be at ease with my presence. I'm African American and in general get a negative reception. So this was refreshing!”
“Wow. Was this donation easy. You pull right up to the back of the building. The bins are there and clearly labeled and open for your donations. There are people there to help you unload and sort. They can give you a physical receipt or there is a QR code to scan and fill out, then they send you an electronic receipt to your email. Seriously the fastest and easiest donation site ever! And the people who help are super helpful and very sweet!!”
“Welcoming church family with commitment to serve locally! The Pastor teaches from the Bible and his applications for Christian life in these times are astoundingly relevant and enlightening. Wonderful Chuch!”
“I went here to get food for my family and they didn't make me feel less than. Actually they were very kind and respectful. Looking inside the church looks beautiful. I hope to attend one day.”
“I love this church! It’s truly a special place with wonderful people. Pastors Kurt and Katie have made it such a welcoming space. I’ve never felt so comfortable being new at church before. The messages are honest and on point week after week and the kids program is fabulous!”
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
9800 Carroll Centre Rd, San Diego“My husband and I have been coming to this church for almost a year. We will be joining because this is where the true word of God is taught. You will not have your ears tickled here. If you want to learn what the Bible says, this is where you should be. Also, the brothers and sisters here are the most loving and caring group we have ever experienced. My husband had triple bypass surgery and my phone was flooded with text messages of people encouraging me by prayers, scripture, and wanting to bring me meals. Some of the sisters even offered to come and sit with me the hospital. My husband got a visit from one of the elders and another dear sister friend. CBC is not close to our home but close to our hearts so it’s worth the drive ever time the doors are open. We literally thank God every morning for this church. ??❤️There aren’t many biblical churches like this… grateful to The Lord for leading us to this one.”
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
4538 University Ave, San Diego“最近洛杉磯遇到幾十年難得的奇景, 在很多地方都在上演著雪花緩緩飄落的美景,整個Facebook 都是大家手舞足蹈讚嘆的post, 上次在洛杉磯平地下雪應該是我十幾歲讀高中的時候,再見前庭後院白色一片已是快40 年後,到Downtown 有名的天后宮點蠟燭火, 添點油箱,在心中的信仰,是很重要的一帖良藥,也是支持我生活的的一道力量,祈求葵卯年平安順利, 富足安康!”
“Very nice mother's day service. Solid sermon that is actually scripture based and they aren’t political like some churches in the area which is also is a big plus. Very welcoming”
“Coming from an ABUSIVE church TDWC has been a BREATH of fresh air. They have Godly standards and you feel God here. No false prophets like the church I went to called Rhema word ministries. After that experience I didn't know if I wanted to go to church again. Places like that makes you question God. I witnessed the pastor of Rhema word ministries have romantic relationships with his members which made me question pastor's but God brought me to TOTAL DELIVERANCE WORSHIP CENTER with an amazing married pastor and healthy wholesome teaching. I am healing from all the pain that Rhema word caused my husband and I and Total Deliverance Worship Center is the best place to be. The usher's are sweet and they greet you with love. Lady Benson is second to none. She is an example to all women. Pastor Benson is a brave, honorable, serious preacher who cares about the heart ,spirit, and soul of the people. If you don't want any mess but old school preaching, the move of God, love, healing, holiness come here you won't be disappointed!”
“Overall the congregation is warm, supportive and friendly. I think visitors get a good greeting and are welcomed well. There is good Jewish education from tots to senior adults and Rabbi Benj Fried is flexible and creative that I have experienced thus far, in terms of encouraging congregants to take leadership with different topics and ideas. His mind is sharp. He is very much a scholar and I can see him teaching at university one day.If you want to simply attend service you can. If you want to be involved and engaged you can. There is a lot of lifecycle support. They do an excellent job of supporting people when someone dies. From the moment of death through shiva and the entire year following, there is support in a number of ways. There are multiple groups using the site. The WRJ women's group is active - and even better now that there is weekly mahjong!Jewish holidays are well observed and there is ample space and time to learn the prayers and songs. Hebrew is taught. Interfaith couples are embraced and those who find that this is who they REALLY are, there is a conversion process that involves a long course and engagement. The Purim carnival, Artisan Fair, Sukkot, and high holy days observances - can I give a 10-star? Things are well organized, meaningful, educational, spiritual, welcoming.Rabbi Devorah Marcus, the senior rabbi, is very human and humane, warm, intelligent, good at pastoral care, a connector of people and very supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. The congregation is too. Rabbi Marcus has a lot to do! She could use another half of herself!Diversity, equity and inclusion is developing within the congregation. If you are a Jew of Color then you know Ashkenazi Jewish synagogues can be a harsh and unwelcoming place full of microaggressions where people tell you that you are not experiencing what you ARE experiencing. Ideally Black Jews and other Jews of Color are centered throughout a Jewish congregation and it is coming into full flower in TEESD. There was recently, for the first time, Saturday afternoon Kwanzaa shabbat that was attended by a few but enthusiastically received. Rabbi Benj Fried brilliantly tied together the cultural observance of Kwanzaa and the religious observance of Hanukkah with the Torah. When Kwanzaa shabbat moves into Friday night family shabbat with a packed social hall eating dinner together as part of it, that will reflect a movement away from the fringe to centering of Black/Jewish. The congregation participated in Juneteenth in 2023 in a very centering move. The congregation eagerly got behind that educational and social justice work. There are interfaith events for MLK Jr Day and a schedule of relevant films like "Shared Legacies". There is also a good sense of humor and Jewish values incorporated in the community as reflected through, for one example, conversation and insight about films like the Mel Brooks/Richard Pryor comedy "Blazing Saddles" and its use of satirical comedy to address and call out racism. The rabbi emeritus and his wife are beautiful souls who have reflected and been living examples of justice, peace and love, serving through civil rights action, and preaching and teaching about not only that but antisemitism and discrimination against LGBTQ+.Saturday morning Torah study is where you want to be if you want to delve deep into Torah. We often barely make it through two verses in an hour. But a good bagel with schmear and lox and some coffee helps energize your learning abilities.Board members are approachable and work hard to keep the congregation thriving.The admin to the senior rabbi reminds me of my horrible mean 4th grade math teacher, like something you see in a comedy movie. It won't change and could be offensive but it is moreso humorous. However the receptionist/front office person is cheerful, always friendly and helpful. The remainder of the staff are also professional, friendly people.Did I mention there often food and a lot of it? It lends to the warmth and the tradition.Be ready to go through security!”
“Lots of curses to take, if you consider yourself Catholic, you really need to know and understand catholicism, and this is the right place to do it and have a stronger faith.”
“Our family has loved and grown in this church for the past 7 years. Big church with atight-knit family feel. Lots of programs and ministries for every age. Faith building women's ministry. Amazing children's ministry. Awesome worship. Wonderful friendships. We are blessed and well fed on the Word here.”