June 2024 by Karla Hamaran
Went here on June 25th at around 10:30 pm and the person running the 7/11 was outside of it smoking with a bunch of people while blocking the door. I tried to go in and the guy told me to come back later and continued smoking. I understand a lunch break, but he didn’t bother to tell me when I can come back. He just continued smoking.
June 2024 by it's me your friend
disgusting place
June 2024 by Jesus San Miguel (JSM)
Loitering money begging is going on outside all the time.
April 2024 by Isaiah Cole
They're lying. They either aren't open 24 hrs or the 10-6 shift is comfortable locking the doors and stealing hours while turning away customers
April 2024 by Natural Organics
So whoever was working around 2:00 in the morning a cpl months ago the last time I was ever in there. The main culprit was the light-skinned guy with the hat glasses and the good hair.
I don't know what gives them the audacity to treat customers the way they treat customers but they ganged up on me, being provocative, threatening me, disrespecting me and calling me out of my name.
I seriously felt like my life was in danger that night.
If you review the cameras I kept putting my hands up I kept telling them I am a paying customer. I did nothing wrong for them to be treating me the way they were treating me..
I have PTSD from being in very violent aggressive high-stress situations.
And I tried my hardest to mediate the situation.
I ended up getting maced and chased down the street for no reason which I don't believe that is in their policy to do so.
I did however make the mistake of retaliating in the same way that they did me. I'm only human I'm not perfect.
Nor am I making excuses for my retaliation while in the moment of fight or flight response.
The flight option was taken from me.
If the cameras had audio they would hear me trying to defuse The situation.
Long story short now I'm pretty sure that I have warrants because of this..
I haven't been in trouble in over 10 years.
I'm a father.
That is all I live for is being a father to my two beautiful little girls.
I don't know why that situation happened.
I don't know why these people are working in this store and treating customers like this.
But this should absolutely be illegal.
I have been talking to lawyers.
I will sue that 7/11 personally as well as the workers that ganged up on me.
For emotional distress, jeaporidizing my life, well being , and possibly my freedom.
Soon as find the right lawyer that will take this case from the heart in my defense.
It's not fair because underdogs get no upper hand in court no matter what. They were completely in the wrong yet I may be the one facing time.
While my two little girls need me out here. This may deprive my daughters of their father. Their protection and guidance.
But I will absolutely seek Justice to the fullest extent.
No matter how long it takes even if I have to do it from inside of the jail house walls.
I will seek Justice for my daughters.
That is all.
April 2024 by Russ
You that’s the stain on the city. Get read of this place.
March 2024 by Robin Sophia Rose
I'm staying in an expensive apartment building across from it but below is the trolley and bus and homeless and drug central. So getting through that crowd and through the store is very unpleasant.
I have found it to be dirty in there and the prices outrageously high. $4.50 for 15 sticks of gum!!! Where most of the homeless people are! Exploitive and 7-Eleven is mega rich not only here in the US but they are all over the world and in parts of Thailand, they are on every block. I boycott them now and go to the discount stores downtown. Don't support these rip off corporations.
But unfortunately the convenience store across the street seems to be owned by Russian Mafia type guys who were very nasty to me because I was just looking around and not buying anything yet at their 'rush hour" (5 people in the store ?) and they yelled at me to leave and get out of the way. I am a senior well-dressed American white woman and they talked to me disrespectfully like this while they are catering to stinky filthy drug addicts.
Just avoid both stores and this neighborhood in general if you can.
January 2024 by Josh K
Super sketchy and smelled like feces. I think there was urine on the floor. Go elsewhere.
January 2024 by Uchida Suano
Today January 6 2024 Saturday At 9:10am I am ignored by the staff persons behind the counter when a white bulky stranger stalked me and attacked me physically picked me up and I screamed for help and the 7 eleven staff absolutely did nothing . The Mexican staff women who worked at seven eleven said to me "oh stop it " I was thrown to the ground outside of seven eleven by the stranger. Their were customers and seven eleven staff that did absolutely nothing staff of seven
January 2024 by Jaron Christopher
Place is for the streets. Can even get in the store without being harassed by someone inside or outside the store. Customers service does exist. I'm never going here again.
January 2024 by Steve Homoki
Of all 711s....this one really needs different management. There's never coffee in the mornings
January 2024 by ALANNA
How do I get in touch with the owner, I'd like them to know about an experience myself and my friend just had, VERY UNPROFESSIONAL!!! The young lady working at the counter needs to learn CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS!!! The young lady also needs to be taught that not everyone has a job and if she's grateful for the job she has, she should act like it!
December 2023 by John
Wow I gave it 1 star!I tried giving 0.But it wouldn't let me post my review!! Unbelievable place!! DD
November 2023 by Darlene Fuentes
I will not be returning to this location the black guy working the front counter at 8:40 am was disrespectful and even tried to hit on me at the beginning your there to work not trying to pick up girls at your work then since I was not giving him no attention he started banging the counter making me feel real uncomfortable even tapping hard on my drink making me feel uneasy there's this scanner that you scan the drinks without items and he was banging that on the counter he was a creep to begin with I was beyond disbelief how a person be acting like that for customer service??? He was disrespectful made terrible comments and made me feel uneasy I could only image how he acts in public! Never going to this location EVER AGAIN!!!!
November 2023 by Maria Konstantoulakis
Do not buy anything here unless you want to get sick. Their freezers were broken, and they were still selling things out of them anyway. I bought warm water and they wouldn’t even give me a cup for ice because it cost $.75. Hope that was worth it!