California car program
Auto Repair
1250 Arcade Blvd #4, Sacramento CA 95815
From California car program
California car program is a automotive mobile mechanic service you can give me a call anytime of the day anytime of the night and we can schedule an appointment for your car to be looked at.. and also this is a low income program therefore it's not run by the government or any organization it is ran by me in my own so therefore you are only good for overt you Wordsworth as in if you tell me you were going to be there at 6 and you show up until 6 then your words good if you tell me you going to be at 6 and never show up then that's on you therefore I will give everybody their one-time courtesy to be able to make payments you buy the part I put it in you can't afford to pay me all the way I'll put it in you can only afford the part I'll put i
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