July 2024 by Nicole Filippelli
Expensive gas AND no bathroom?! Sometimes you can only get one of those.
August 2023 by Timothy Riener
Given this location 5-stars because it meets all expectations that I have for a Chevron gas station. Can't think of any substantially unique positive comments -- other than this location never seems too crowded when I've stopped in here -- but I also have no significant negative commentary to offer. If you want to go to Chevron location, this one meets all expectations.
July 2023 by Tim Riener
Given this location 5-stars because it meets all expectations that I have for a Chevron gas station. Can't think of any substantially unique positive comments -- other than this location never seems too crowded when I've stopped in here -- but I also have no significant negative commentary to offer. If you want to go to Chevron location, this one meets all expectations.
January 2022 by Todd Clemons
It's one of the better chevrons in town.
May 2021 by Laura Moreno
Three out of eight pumps work the air machine doesn't work sucked
April 2021 by Victoria Marie
I would give this location 0 stars if I could. It's 10:21a.m. PST and we stopped to fill up. The Caucasian woman working has probably been smoking cigarettes inside of the actual store. Outside air fresh, inside you can definitely tell someone smoked. She refused us service to also use the restroom. My daughter literally had an accident trying to hold it while we ran to the restaurant next-door. Smh...
March 2021 by anthony martinez
It was not open at all when my friends and I were there. Class starts at 9Am and we wanted some snacks and coffee. Plus heads up that place is not following the CDC recommendations. (That was when it was open) smh.
November 2019 by A R.
"Time To Stop Chevron?"It will never be time to stop here again. Worst experience of any Chevron ever. The first pump station I pulled up to was super old and raggedy. The 92 button did not work so I couldn't get any gas. The pump looked like it had been installed in the 80's. So I backed up to the next pump. I went to put the nozzle into my car and a bunch of gas shot out all over my car and the ground. The concrete was filthy here I'm sure I was gonna have gas on the bottom of my feet no matter what when I got back in to the car. Then I noticed the prices. A lot higher than the Bay Area. How is that possible? What a dump.
August 2019 by Eager T.
Ya... smoking 5 feet away from the gas pumps seems like a danger option by the operates, Unless you absolutely need to go to this particular gas station ... stay away
February 2019 by James Simmons
When I approached the building I was soaking wet from walking in the rain. I was impressed with the employee at least as much as the facility did! Friendly customer service and sharp displays! The purchase was as smooth as possible and left me feeling like the satisfied customer that anyone would describe their favorite shop. I would recommend the facility to any person with a desire for an opportunity to hydrate, fill their tank, or get some basic nessesites for on the road!
December 2018 by Dan Brians
Employee was lighting up a cigarette less than 1 foot from the front door. I know for a fact this violates state and local codes. Not to mention this is a fuel station!!!! When is this kind of behavior going to get corrected. When I entered she blew smoke right in my face. Not acceptable!
October 2018 by Maria Ingram
Two employees were smoking right next to the no smoking sign (by the door) flirting and smoking their cigarettes. One was a mid-20s heavyset guy with light blond hair and a beard and the lady was also early to mid 20s, long dark brown straight hair also smoking. When I asked them if it was safe to be smoking at a gas station, the guy said “yup†in an annoyed way and kept smoking his cigarette. Needless to say we got the HELL out of there!!
October 2018 by Lisa Dunnam
Stopped to fill up, use the RR and buy water. In the less than 8 mins our truck cab back window lock was picked and my husbands tools were stolen. You want to bet this wasn't the first time?
September 2018 by Eleni I.
Two employees were smoking right next to the no smoking sign (by the door) flirting and smoking their cigarettes. One was a mid-20s heavyset guy with light blond hair and a beard wearing a grey t-shirt and the lady was also early to mid 20s, long dark brown straight hair also smoking. When I asked them if it was safe to be smoking at a gas station, the guy said "yup" in an annoyed way and kept smoking his cigarette. Needless to say we got the hell out of there!!
August 2018 by Cassandra A.
I would give ZERO stars if I could. *At least one employee at this establishment Blatantly and Openly engages in discriminatory business practices. *On 7/31/2018, my husband and I were traveling through Redding and had to stop to refuel and I needed to use the restroom urgently. I walk in to use the restroom while husband fuels car. We are the only car fueling up at the time. *As I enter the store, I notice a sign on the restroom door stating that the restroom is for customers and one must ask for key. *Cool, we're fueling up. I walk over to the register. I ask for the key, noting that I will be buying something but need to use restroom urgently. *The employee (older woman behind the register) stands up and tells me, "No" as she finished up a bite of something she's eating). *I'm shocked/curious ....what? *I repeat, as I basically clench my bladder, gesturing toward food items, "but I'm purchasing something" (thinking the person/establishment has an issue with people/me using the restroom BEFORE I pay for something (mind you, husband outside fueling up). *The employee then tells me, "We don't have a public restroom." *More confused, I note, "but there's a sign on the door stating that there is a restroom for customers." *Employee then says that the restroom is just for customers purchasing "fuel." *I'm shocked and upset (& still needing to use the restroom URGENTLY. *I point out that my husband is actually purchasing fuel. *Employee responds, "Oh,sorry & hands me a key. *I take the key & ask one more time (to confirm that she was indeed engaging in discriminatory business practices), "So, people who buy food, for example, (making one a "customer") are not allowed to use the restroom?" *Employee responds, "No. Maybe. it depends. Are you from around here? & proceeds to note that "homeless people" buy items in the store "for a dime" and trash the bathroom. *So, in summary, alleged homeless people do not purchase fuel, but are indeed customers; 2-the employee assumes that all "homeless" people trash the bathroom, (3)the employee is profiling people...determining who's "homeless" based on appearance and refusing them access to the restroom that other customers have ). *Flustered, I take the key & dash to the restroom. *This employee arbitrarily decides which CUSTOMERS she is going to allow to use the restroom (if she doesn't approve of how you look --skin color, body size, clothing-she will try to stop you from using the restroom at this establishment). As a CUSTOMER at this establishment during my visit, I'm a brown person dressed in jeans, a tshirt, and a sweatshirt. Based on my awful, hurtful, stunning experience, I know that this CHEVRON employee simply did not want ME to use the restroom based on my appearance. *I've never had an experience like this at a gas station. We chose to fuel up at Chevron because they tend to be reliable as far as good customer service & having clean restrooms. *This employee's behavior was shocking, disgusting, and unacceptable (by the way, I don't know her actual role --maybe she is the owner). I definitely won't be returning to an establishment where I'm clearly not welcome. *I will also be leery of other Chevron service stations *Ialso plan to file a complaint with BBB and any Redding tourism agency.