Paul's Japanese Auto Repair & Brake Stop

Auto Repair, Transmission Repair
23061 Antonio Pkwy A, Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688



7:30AM - 5PM
7:30AM - 5PM
7:30AM - 5PM
7:30AM - 5PM
7:30AM - 5PM
7:30AM - 2PM

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About Paul's Japanese Auto Repair & Brake Stop

We pride ourselves on treating the customer no as a number or dollar sign; but as an individual and family member. Family owned and operated. You will never get the round around that the dealership will give you. We funtion as an active member of the community, and make the effort to know our customers and their families. We have a total of 4 people on staff, so there is direct communication with everyone. Service manager is fully ASE certified and an Eagle Scout. Honesty is second nature. Also Serving Foothill Ranch. Fully licensed and insured. BAR#: AD233423, EPA#:000281982 Email for quote: [email protected].

Other Information

We pride ourselves on treating the customer no as a number or dollar sign; but as an individual and family member. Family owned and operated. You will never get the round around that the dealership will give you. We funtion as an active member of the community, and make the effort to know our customers and their families. We have a total of 4 people on staff, so there is direct communication with everyone. Service manager is fully ASE certified and an Eagle Scout. Honesty is second nature. Also Serving Foothill Ranch. Fully licensed and insured. BAR#: AD233423, EPA#:000281982 Email for quote: [email protected].

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