5AM - 11PM
435 E Center St, Pomona8 - 10AM 5 - 9PM
1351 S Garey Ave, Pomona“My Zumba journey is more thank life changing it proves me age is only a number. I wasn't able to go to the gym for more than 2 years due to covid. The pandemic made me less healthy mentally and physically. First time I made it back to the gym one of the staff told me I should check out the Zumba class. Today is my one year anniversary. My body went through a transformation. My anxiety level is easing gradually. I found more strength within to let things go. I am certain it's more than the endorphins because I did other format of workout previously and the effects are as long lasting.Lately gym Zumba became less challenging so I found Laura's place. It's a local minority small business funded and ran by women. It fits perfectly to my perspectives. They speak mainly Spanish but Zumba has no borders or language barriers. It's all about the music and the spirit. Come join us next time.”
5 - 9AM 5 - 8PM
625 E Foothill Blvd, Pomona“I love it the couches are great they encourage everyone and I feel like I can’t wait to go time goes fast because we are serious and getting working out down work out and dedication ???”
“Mind blown -- I never knew Cal Poly Pomona was a California State University! *laughs into an embarrassing chuckle* AND... this campus is HUGE!! At least I knew about their agricultural studies being high up on the most popular degrees! I seriously loved seeing the foothills, all the green, farmland, cows... yes, the cow goes moo! Cows can be very peaceful to watch. The best part was learning about the old iconic CLA Building being brutalist architecture (yesssss... the same architectural deisgn as our nation's FBI headquarters... the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, D.C.), which is a modern form of architecture... and maybe that is why Gattaca (with Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law) was filmed there... so sad the CLA Building is gone. The school being famous for breeding Arabian horses and like I stated before... their College of Agriculture, which inclides Animal Science. The same Kellogg breakfast cereal creator founded Cal Poly! You will actually see the word "Kellogg" scripted out on a building in red exactly how it is printed on a cereal box (I think it was the Union Plaza building). The school is also known for their Hospitality Management and they actually have a hotel and conference centers on campus! I seriously hope opening three paragraphs gave you multiple mind-blowing experiences. This campus truly was beautiful and unique. I actually got a private tour from an alumnus who happens to be my boyfriend. He is a legacy, which I love. We started from the area where the Gym and the new Student Rec Center are, passed the Bookstore, the Union Plaza which were the old stables, the dorms (where there is a statue of an Arabian horse), the Library, and made our way pass the new Student Services Building towards the old CLA Building. Then came the elements I love... gardens. We stopped by the Japanese Garden, the Rose Garden, and the pond where turtles were at La Cienega Center. I saw four turtles! Just missing a rat and some ooze... We went by Manor House and trying to get to Kellogg House. Instead, I got distracted by a succulent garden and wooden pergola with greenery. The wooden sign covered by all the greenery said: Voorhis Ecological Reserve. At first, I thought it was just another small garden. But holy crap... I was wrong. It looked like Hawaii or a jungle from Indiana Jones! We took this stone path that was weathered and erode. It kept trailing up and we ended up in the backyard of Kellogg House. Then, of course, I found another set of stairs and trail that led to the radio tower. Curiosity led us up to a stunning hilltop view of the campus. It was breathtaking! It made the unplanned cardio worth it! Somehow we managed to go back the way we came and exited the Reserve and made our way to where the University Quad area is where Engineering, Sociology, and Marketplace are. That Quad was pretty! It looked collegiate! Apparently that is where graduation takes place. Then more steps! It led us to Kellogg West where the lodge and conference center are. They actually had restrooms and it was perfect timing for a bathroom break. Uhhhhh... I just realized. I am literally hashing out on Cal Poly Pomona's Yelp my exact walking tour! LOL! Ooooops... Ok, intermission (a.k.a. bathroom break) over! In the Kellogg West Conference Center, they had historical photos on the walls. I love historical photographs, especially the black and white ones that showed W.K. Kellogg. After Kellogg West were the cows!! We got to the Beef Unit. That was when the sun was setting and the foothills looked so beautiful. For a moment I thought I was out in the Midwest. I miss being out in rural America! Nature is seriously harder to come by now, especially living in the OC. So I definitely enjoyed the landscape. Going back towards the main part of campus, we went by the Environmental and Agricultural area. At one point, we passed by a small vegetable/herb garden and greenhouse. Then we were back at the Quad! Phew! As the sun was setting, we took the route behind the Marketplace and went past Music, Performing Arts, ”
“A friendly environment. Very respectful and helpful employees they have. Thanx for the efforts of the planet fitness team to making it the spot to enjoy our work outs, showers etc.”
“Lions Den isn’t a commercial gym. Where you get all the lames. Ppl are very humble and nice here. When I touched down at Lions Den I wasn’t to sure when I drove up. Walked in was greeted by my boy Geo. He introduced himself, told me the basics gave me a tour didn’t sugar coat anything. I was very impressed by the equipment that some I have never seen before. I have been hitting weights for over 15 years. And I was all in when I went into the pit. Crazy amazing feeling…. It’s about building muscle here not some foo staring you down or some lame trying to compete how much you can lift or how strong you are. Or women walking around half naked wanting you to stare at them. Lions Den is about PRIVACY, FOCUS, DETERMINATION, BUILDING CONFIDENCE, and most building MUSCLE… my opinion anyone giving a bad review about Lions Den check yourself because it’s not that your disappointed about this place take a good look at yourself, it’s all you brother. A COMPLAINER!! Life is about ups and downs. And Lions Den is where you build off self confidence, determination, focus, self-healing… and most of GAINS. BECAUSE IF YOU CANT GAIN HERE AT LIONS DEN YOU WONT GAIN PERIOD IN LIFE!!!”