December 2019 by Jeanie B.
This review is for one employee and one experience I had with my 16 year old baby girl (OK, she's not a baby anymore) - and for one employee in particular, who made my daughter's piercing experience absolutely AMAZING! My daughter had been asking to get her 2nd piercing in her lobe since she was 14, but her dad & I agreed she could wait a bit - to show she deserved it with her grades up and behavior, etc. Yeah, we're mean lol. BUT - the day finally came - she turned 16 & has been doing so well this year in school, holding it down with her grades and just being all-around a happy-go-lucky and very hard working teen. It was time... She was ready... but was I??? Sure, she has her ears pierced already, but that was when she was just 4 years old! Off my baby girl & I went - to Icing at Stoneridge Mall one rainy night during Thanksgiving break after confirming a friend of mine who recently was pierced there had a great healing process with no issues whatsoever. My daughter's excitement couldn't be contained. My heart was beating in my chest (I remember one time years ago, when I got pierced as a teen and they couldn't remove the "block" that housed the earring from it for several minutes - yeah, that was fun... of course, I didn't tell my daughter this). We came in to a very empty store in which we were immediately greeted with a friendly smile and a warm welcome by Angel who came over to us when we told her we were there for a piercing. She had GREAT energy, very happy to introduce herself to us and explain the process to my daughter and I. She shared a funny story with us which I could tell immediately made my baby girl giggle and also helped relax any nerves she may have had at the time. Angel was very thorough in her explanations and had a great knack for communicating with my teenage daughter and was simultaneously very professional in her demeanor, which I truly appreciated. In addition, Angel made sure to take the time to ensure the entire area was sanitized properly and I, not only a protective mama bear, but also a hospital worker look for first and foremost. Great work so far! My baby girl made her selection and we were off and ready for the big moment (well, 2 big moments)! As if Angel wasn't awesome enough already, she surpassed any expectations I had, which are very high especially when it comes to my kiddos, she offered my daughter something pretty amazing... She told my daughter she could do her piercings any of 3 ways - she could: 1. Just "go for it" and pierce with no warning 2. She could tell her a super corny joke 3. She could sing What??! I wish I had someone offer me this one of my many piercings ago!! We giggled and after we triple checked that Angel's markings were exactly where we'd like them, she went to work. My daughter's first piercing, she opted for a joke, which was cheesy as promised and she could barely feel the piercing! For her second, she selected to hear a song. Angel mused and warned us her singing wasn't quite American Idol par, but she proceeded in... "Old McDonald had a farm..." only very slightly off-key which immediately had my beauty giggling and before you know it "crunch" - the piercing was complete! The finished work was just perfect - my daughter absolutely beamed in happiness and excitement - and I... well, I was just so happy with her reaction combined with the royal treatment in this special moment that Angel gave us both, I asked if I could give her a hug. And I did. Angel - THANK YOU so much for going above and beyond in making this very special moment even MORE special with your TLC. I told you I couldn't wait compose a review to you - this is a bit delayed, but I write each word with all the thanks this mama bear has in her heart. Alanna has healed up very quickly and she loves her placement & new earrings! I plan to come in to see you for something - this time, a piercing for me! 5/5 for an all-around PERFECT e