February 2024 by Antoine Ford
I enjoy this church. I know nobody is perfect. I know the reason why we have a church is because we're all broken. Think about it, Jesus only went towards the broken. He did not go towards the rich. We're called the church because we are broken, gracefully broken, and we are trying to fix that.When I see that this church is trying to change the world and nations and coming together as a family. It's because they're trying to do god's work. for those who think this church is perfect, I want to remind you that no church is perfect. The church reminds us to seek, to follow, to try to understand, and to love our neighbor. the way The Holy Spirit loves us. so do not go there expecting perfect people because no one is. The goal is to be like jesus.
December 2023 by Chris Weller
They support conversion therapy.
March 2023 by Justin Pruitt
No very inclusive. Disappointed.
March 2023 by Trillian Mann
It is tragic that pastors like John Lo oppose supporting a woman's right to choose.
March 2023 by Chelsea Marsden
Worst church I’ve ever been to! I’ve been to many open and welcoming churches; Epicenter is not one of them. Look elsewhere. Pasadena definitely doesn’t need there brand of hate. ?
March 2023 by Chris Nel
I was extremely disappointed with the Epicentre Church. The pastors' claims that offerings "go to God" are simply not true, as their annual report shows that they allocate over 75% of their multi-million dollar salary budget for themselves. This level of greed and deceit is unacceptable, and I would not recommend this church to anyone. One star is too generous for such a corrupt organization.
March 2022 by Win Huang
I visited this place, and it was so cringy.
March 2022 by Lloyd C
I know several of the people who attend this church. I do not. One female who does, who I had not seen in years, sent me an unsolicited public message around the topic of healing and deliverance. That was off putting in and of itself. This person then proceeded to continue to solicit my presence at these sort of events, even though she does not even know me. Even though there was never any expression of interest.They like to tell you what they think is good for you without ever really getting to know you. And what they think is good for you is the opposite of what will truly help you. Sad! You have random strangers thinking they know what's best for you but what they 'prescribe' could not be more harmful.It seems like they do good things but for all the wrong reasons.
March 2022 by Mike Gabelman
No church is perfect, but there is a genuine culture of love, honor, and respect at Epicentre that is taught and modeled by leadership amongst this very culturally diverse family. It seems that the more folks look for a church to meet there own needs, the more frustration they experience. However, the more we look for a place to connect, serve, and give, the more we grow. I also appreciate their connection and affiliation with Antioch.
March 2022 by Hayes Anderson
This church is not like any other church. It is obvious and apparent here that Jesus is above everything and at the center of this church’s attention which is a rare thing to find in a church these days. I hold the leadership here in high regards as it is apparent they are anointed by God and carry that to slow down to seek God in every tough decision or trial they face.
March 2022 by Tyler Schenzel
Just got to meet and spend a few days with the leadership of this church. They’re solid and love Jesus. It’s not super surprising to see all the negative reviews. A self focused culture will hate a self sacrificing message. But the people of Pasadena need this church and their message whether they know it or not. Keep being faithful!
March 2021 by Connor Lawrence
I don't like this church. Too many people.
March 2020 by Dustin Jeffries
I am brand new to the LA area and was in need of a community of believers. on my first day to epicenter I was greeted and welcomed with no judgements. I was made to feel completely accepted with my junk from the past. It's what I needed and it's where God put me and I'm grateful.
March 2018 by Gabriel Roby
Fantastic church. I have grown in faith more than I ever thought I would. This church made me decide that I wanted to do full time mission work when I'm older. Fantastic church, fantastic staff, biblical and encouraging preaching, fantastic people, and an outstanding youth group. The list could just go on and on. Thank you Epicentre. God bless all of you!
March 2018 by Mark S
Awesome church. Powerful worship, great teaching, and a real sense of God's presence. Even more, the church has humble leadership, value for community, and a desire to practically love their city and engage global need.