March 2024 by Mike McCarthy
Great spot, totally rebuilt since I last saw it ten years ago. Good food, good times.
December 2023 by Christine M
BED BUGS! Buyer BEWARE. There was a well-established infestation of bed bugs in my room, 105. I killed at least a dozen & there were many more still living inside the bed frame. The larvae & eggs were sprinkled all over the un-vacuumed carpet. The staff was alerted of this immediately upon my discovery Saturday night & provided them w/pics. Another friend allowed me to sleep in her room, completely unprompted by the staff. The staff offered to put my clothes in the dryer, but gave no guarantee that I wouldn't still have bed bugs & had no clue how to treat my suitcases & other belongings – so I STILL would’ve taken home bed bugs. They also offered me trash bags so I could take home the problem & deal w/it myself. I left all of my belongings in the room, as I could not risk bringing bed bugs home to my family & dealing w/the fallout of that as someone w/mult. debilitating diseases, nor do I assume the responsibility of fixing problems created for me because other adults didn’t do their jobs.The multibillion dollar comp. refuses to pay for property damage because, according to them, providing kids w/free camp is more important than me. The bed bug infestation is due to negligence in cleaning & appropriately checking the rooms in between guests. I've cried for hrs about this situation, as this was supposed to be a wknd where I finally got a break from the rigors of motherhood & health issues, spent time focusing on God & enjoyed fellowship. Instead, I barely slept, my skin has been crawling ever since, I feel traumatized & I’m out $1200 worth of personal items, including sentimental gifts from my mom. My husband is AD military, we are a 1-income household w/o the nearby familial support systems most people have.The room will be chemically treated for 6 wks, at which time humans aren’t allowed inside, & I have the option to pick up my belongings after treatment. The camp director gives no guarantee that they won’t still contain bed bugs, since he “didn’t get a degree in bugs" (exact response, not a misquote). One of my diseases I’ve had surgery to cut out as it attacks my internal organs, causing extreme pain, is endometriosis. This disease is ½ caused as a bodily response to environmental toxins. Each day, I work hard to eliminate anything toxic around & in me, so this is a big choice to make about whether I’d like to bring these items home again after they’ve been treated with toxic chemicals. Many of my days are filled with pain because of my endo., adenomyosis, & uterine tumors. After having a 7 hr surgery in May to treat my diseases, I question the value of taking toxic items back into my home to risk more excruciating pain. I share part of my personal story because those unfortunate life experiences I face on a daily basis impacted my choice in leaving my belongings behind & will continue to impact my choices.I have never more wished I could rewind the clock & make a different life choice than I do right now. The most comparable feeling to past experiences I have is the time my purse was stolen with an entire weekend of tips I hadn’t yet deposited & a cell phone- it’s the same feeling of being cheated, violated & stolen from. I hope that my pics will serve as a *WARNING* to all future guests. Please don't make the same mistake as me, JUST STAY HOME. & if you go, thoroughly check your room prior to bringing in any of your belongings, store everything elevated & away from beds, & remove the comforter since they leave it on the bed in between guests. Also, when I played on my phone at night, the light attracted the bed bugs so do that too.My one saving grace has been the amazing ladies I stayed with, who have supported me in so many ways to get through this nightmarish experience. They let me wear their clothes, itemize my own, & are even helping me replace some of my things. Our pastor's wife offered to go to the Board of our modest church & inquire about compensation, but it would be so wrong to limit the
October 2023 by Nancy Fillingame
Great location and accommodations in the lodge. Very peaceful.
October 2023 by dale barker
A great venue with a kind staff!
October 2023 by Daniel Mui
Love the lake bed at lake Vera. Love the morning fresh air and sunrise! we draw close to God in the beautiful environment!
September 2023 by Jose Chavez
It's a very very nice place
September 2023 by Ray Howes
God is definitely! The facilities were pretty clean. The food was decent. Spent a wonderful weekend reconnecting with the Lord in the beauty of His creation. There is a lake, recreation area, lots of cabins and lodges. The South Yuba River is close by which is amazingly clear and well worth the trip
August 2023 by Henry N Alena Strickland
Amazing amazing amazing
June 2023 by Doug
Went there a few weeks ago for men's retreat. Was great. Will definitely go again next year.
May 2023 by Joey Strain
Best place to come relax and disconnect from the world and be in a beautiful atmosphere. Great summer and year round job. Great place to see beautiful wildlife and have fun
May 2023 by Rafael Diaz
Kids had a weekend camp here and they had a blast. Not quite our typical camping spot but I have nothing bad to say.
April 2023 by Paschell Wilson
Amazing place to hold a conference even as a Christian camp. It's still gorgeous beautiful and accepting of all
August 2022 by Ron Hay
Very friendly
August 2022 by David Rudan
Amazing campground and staff were so nice! Our church loved it and had a great time!
June 2022 by Mistie Clark
We love this place. Plus Lake Vera has some interesting history...the dam burst at one point in its life!